Alot like to say that they rely on the Lord with their time, their finances, their family, the heart, their life, their everything. In saying that, however, one is saying that ALL they need is the Lord, which is absolutely true. The problem, we live our lives to be comfortable and self reliant. We live as if training for the CIA, to get to the point where you have to depend on no one else but your skill and knowledge to survive.
Lets face it, people equate college education, will, skill, perseverance, typical qualities of certain humans to the ability to make money. I know of some who only want to learn a skill so that they can make enough money to live in the biggest house in a neighborhood, or have the nicest car in town, or to have more money than the next guy basically. This love for self reliance dictates their entire major in college and career path as a whole, and their entire path of life.
The truth is, All that we need is Christ. We allow to Christ to fully guide our life so that if we were to lose everything today, we would know that God is Able and that He will provide because the whole time, we trusted Him and relied on Him not ourselves. My challenge, fully set your life to rely on God completely and not yourself. Realizing that All you need is Him!
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