Sunday, February 26, 2012

Getting Personal

   Sometimes it is great to attend a giant concert! The music is absolutely blaring, and all of the fans are screaming at the top of their lungs, with the extra mile being achieved at a Christian Concert because the Glory of God is being exalted and His Glory being shown through the music.
   After the concert, when the last note has been played, imagine that the band met every person in the crowd and shook their hand along with giving them an autograph. Therefore, everyone who attended the concert came forward and received a handshake and an autograph.
   Could the people in the crowd REALLY say that they KNEW the band? Sure, they could go home and tell all of their friends that they shook their hand, but how much do they KNOW the band?
   If someone only has attended church all of their life, yet never developed a personal relationship with God, can they really say that they KNOW Him? However, there are some that think that church is as far as Christianity goes. This is NOT true, Christ desire a personal relationship with Him! Without a relationship, there is no growth and transformation. How can you become like One that you do not Know? Take Christ beyond Church, its all about getting personal!

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