Monday, March 12, 2012

Not Wasted

   I still remember one time earlier this year when I went out for an early run as part of an extreme health craze phase that I was going through, and when I finished the run, I came in the house, sat down, and ate doughnuts. No, you have not made a mistake in your reading and no, I did not make a typo, I did say doughnuts.
   With the original intention to make my heart and body stronger, I went out for a two mile run and ran a fairly good pace, and ruined it all as soon as I arrived at my house again. Instead of drinking water and maybe a salty small snack of some sort, I indulged myself in the sweet goodness of doughnuts and abolished all that I had worked for in that run.
   Wasted time is critical, for time cannot be bought. God is provident over how much time that we have on this earth. Therefore, we should not waste it in our everyday lives. Instead, we should do things that plant seeds and lasts for eternity, instead of wasting it with things detrimental to your Faith.
   The things done through Christ shall last forever, and only those things. When we show His Love, proclaim His Name, worship His Majesty, those things last forever! Lets strive for our time not to be wasted!

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