Monday, August 27, 2012

Never Relenting

   Have you ever done something so bad that, at least you thought, your parents would never forgive you or want you anymore because of what you did? Maybe you broke a vase in the house or threw something and broke the television or something of that sort?
   And you were in fear. Not because of the punishment as much as the disappointment that you knew that you'd probably caused. However, after your punishments, and everyone has had a chance to cool and calm down, you still had parents that generally care, relentlessly even, and still loved you just as much as they did before.
   Jesus relentlessly offers his Salvation to all. He says in Hebrews that for all who believe in Him, and those who call on His name, they will be called children of God! Of course this means true, full belief, however He offers His unconditional love and Salvation relentlessly, the question is, have you accepted it?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Gentle Reminder

   Tonight, I just want to take a short time and remind us all of what is of first importance. At times, yes, it is appropriate to talk about daily practical aspects of the Christian life as we grow in Christ. However, we are to continually remind ourselves of why we say that we are Christians in the first place.
   As Christians, we believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ! We believe that we were bound to sin, which is anything that we think, say, or do that goes against the Will of the Father for His children. However, we also believe that 2012 years ago, a perfect being that was God and man, died on a cross so that we may be forgiven for our sins, for He is the son of God, named Jesus.
   We also believe that He rose again three days later and is now seated on the throne in Heaven with the Father waiting to return to Earth. Therefore, we believe that true belief in Him brings everlasting life! This is the Gospel, and this is what we truly believe! Remind yourself daily

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Family

   Today I would like to point out something that truly breaks my heart. And Ill do this by taking us all on another small journey. Let us go to our local "hood" or "ghetto" area. Some of you may be thinking, "why would I go there", or even "Im fine, I volunteer there every week", but stay with me, the area itself is not the focus.
   So you walk around this area and you start to take note. You may see babies or mothers crying, you may see drugs being handed off, or even worse. Then you turn the corner and you see something that makes you want to run. You see a gang leader and his entire gang about to fight another gang leader and their entire gang.
   You stay to watch and you realize one thing, the members of each respective gang ALWAYS have each others back. If one gets hit, the other members of their gang are on their way to help. Sure, they may be fighting, but they have an amazing UNITY!
   However, in the church, where our leader is Christ as we fight the world against sin and Satan, we sometimes lack that unity. We may not build each other up, but instead purely point out faults and continually tear down our "brother" in the faith. Its a shame that a thing of the world such as a gang understand unity at times more than the church. We are a family, and its about time that we start acting like one!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Just a Taste

   Have you ever seen the little child at a birthday party who has snuck past his parents and gone into the kitchen where the freshly baked birthday cake was? And what do you think this child does? Dips his dirty hands in the center of the cake and takes a big bite, hoping that no one would notice.
   So, of course, the parents finds this and the child gets into major trouble. But even that is juvinile. Let us get a little more serious. How about the child that, against the instruction of his parents, is fascinated by the flame on the stovetop. He goes to touch it and gets a first degree burn. But all that he wanted to do was experience it for a second, right?
   Or what about the teenager who desides to sniff cans just once, for the high. His experimentation ends up killing him and his parents find him dead the next morning? Guess what, all sin leads to some sort of death, for that is its wages. Even just a taste. When you find yourself wanting just a taste of sin, go for a whole meal of Jesus!

Monday, August 20, 2012


   I wanted to take this time and explain why there may have not been a lot of posts on the blog lately. For those who know who I am, you know that this time in life is a transition time between high school and college. All of you who have experienced this know exactly how hectic this time can be.
   With a vacation a few weeks ago and another last weekend, time was greatly prioritized to relaxation before life gets even more busy with college as a family. Therefore family time during vacation was mostly spent only with family, and the computer was a rarity.
   Nevertheless, this does not mean anything detrimental for the future of the blog. The blog will continue to be updated daily unless special circumstances, such as vacation, etc. occur. Rest assured that encouragement based on the Word of God will continue to be proclaimed daily!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

No Reason To Hide

   Do you remember growing up, when you would do something that you knew your parents or guardians told you not to do, but you just did it anyway out of temptation? And what happened when your parents came around? The first thing that you wanted to do was avoid them.
   Or, even worse, what happened when you did something to disappoint them, or anyone in charge for that matter? Or even, what happened when you disappointed someone you remotely cared about? Avoidance probably became your best friend, because back then, in your mind, you had a reason to hide, something to be ashamed of.
   Unfortunately, there are Christians today who think of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the thing to be ashamed of to the world. They hide it, in plain fear and shame, because they believe this brings acceptance, which is what some are after. However, would you not rather be accepted by the Son of God, over the world? Think about it, as Christians, we have no reason to hide!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Takes Two to Tango

   I am sure that many have heard the famous expression, "It takes two to tango." This can be used in a variety of ways, both good and bad. However, let us look at this in a Christian perspective, specifically referring to a relationship with the One and Only Living God, Jesus Christ.
   I have heard, a lot, that God is forgiving and He loves all of us. In fact, I have heard the phrase, "God is love" so much that people have used it as an excuse to go against His Word, using His love as a pass out of following His commands.
   However, it takes two to have a relationship. We must also love Him! Which means that we follow His Word and commands as much as we can, because we love Him back! This takes away the excuse to sin and instead brings in a will NOT to disobey what He has set forth. A true relationship does take two! Do you love God as well?

Monday, August 13, 2012

Half Heartedly

   Have you ever eaten a piece of chicken that was only cooked on one half? Or how about wore a shoe that only had half of the sole? Or drank from a cup with the bottom missing from it? Of course not!! You would never imagine doing those things. You probably wouldn't drink from a cup without a bottom at even the fanciest restaurant. Why? Because no one is truly satisfied by a half hearted performance.
   Take the Olympic athletes for example. They train 6 hours a day every day for 4 years in preparation for one event. Some sprinters train that long for 10- 11 second race. So, could you imagine training that long to only give half during the actual race?? How ludicrous would that be?!
   Well, we train everyday until we die, reading our Bible and spending time with the Lord, for a possible 2 minute conversation with a non believer, or the 10 minute conversation we have with our friends while others are watching and being influenced, or the 3 hour holdup in the grocery line while younger Christians watch how you respond.
   We seek God daily. Therefore, it is ludicrous to only give half heartedly in our everyday lives. We should live fully for God, and show HIS example, in everything, with everything! Live whole heartedly!

Thursday, August 9, 2012


   Have you ever heard of the phrase, "it can always be worse..." Generally this is said when someone is feeling bad about a situation that they are in and they are thinking about it in the wrong way. Therefore, they are reminded that they is a situation that could be worse.
   How about seeing the bully in a school growing up and seeing how big and strong he seemed. Yet, when you went home, you knew that there was no chance that bully could defeat your parents, for they were bigger and stronger. The point of these analogies is that there is always a superlative comparison to make to any situation, including the fight against sin.
   Sin is strong. It can be extremely difficult to overcome and very deception. It can have you hooked before you even know it. However, the Power of Christ is STRONGER, and His grace is sufficient. Sin is strong, temptation is strong, but Christ is Always stronger! Remember in any sin, God is stronger! Therefore, seek in Him, abide in Him, read His Word, and trust fully in Him!

By Example

   Do you remember the timeless phrase, "do as I say, not as I do?" Generally spoken by the parent who tended to have a bad habit that they would not allow the child to have. Therefore, since they still had this bad habit, they would tell their children to follow their words in lou of their actions.
   However, being a disciple means that one is being a follower. Not a following of words alone however, but a follower of the actions done by the teacher. In the case of the Christian, the teacher is Jesus Christ. So, we are supposed to not only follow the words of Christ, but His actions as well!
   Here is the tie- in. As disciples, we are called to disciple others. Therefore, we are not only to be followers of the words and actions of Christ, but we are to be living examples to others Christians as well, for we all are becoming imitators of Christ. That is in every area of our lives as well, we are the be the shining Christian example! Are you leading by example?

Monday, August 6, 2012

Proven by Life

   Last night, we discussed how the defending of the Faith is only solidified in the Word of God and our belief in it. We discussed how knowing the Word of God is how we defend the Faith, by studying and standing by it which hence, is fully what we believe.
   However, tonight we are going to talk about evidence of this Word and the defense of our Faith. Get this, the evidence that people see and that has the most impact does not come from church, or seminary, or Bible College. The evidence is truly our lives.
   Let us take the Founder and C.E.O. of the ministry. He lived a life that was surely not according to the Word of God. YES, before you ask, he DID attend church, and was greatly involved. But at times when you saw him out, you knew he was not living the life of Christ.
   However, now it has been a complete turnaround through Christ and the Power of God, and only Him. Only God could have done what was done! His LIFE is the proof in the pudding, evidence of the defense to the Faith set by the Word of God!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Knowing the Word

   The week long vacation is over and we are back again ready to discuss things that matter here on the blog of H.O.P.E. Ministries of the Upstate. As someone who is about to go to college, and as a person who knows a lot of people that are either in college or have graduated, I can tell you that defending our Faith has become a daily task for the Christian of today.
   Especially with the whole Chic- Fil- A deal, we are challenged daily to defend what we believe. However, our beliefs are only opinion unless they are based on the Word of God. In fact, our beliefs are even folly if they go against the Word of God.
   So, now that we have established that the True Word of God is the only judge to our statements and defender of our Faith, how can we go on to claim Christianity and be on the frontline to defend our Faith if we do not know that Word? I do not just mean quoting John 3.16. I mean a daily devotion to the Word of Christ so that we may learn and live in Him. Learn the Word. Know the Word. Defend the Faith.