Wednesday, November 30, 2011


   With the mindset of today's society that continually seeks comfort and shuns any form of adversity, we tend to either hate our enemies, or want to seek absolute revenge on them. It seems that we have yet to realize that our enemies are what are used to advance us in aspects of our lives like patience and wisdom, and are footstools for the springboards of our advancement.
   Take the example of lifting weights. Rather you lift weights for leisure, to stay in shape, or bodybuilding, you know one important principle. When you lift weights, you only gain muscle and grow when your muscles face the strain, or opposition, from the weight. Sometimes, the strain even gets to a point where it hurts, but one knows that the act of powering through it is when the growth begins.
   So I challenge you all to continually abide in Christ daily, so that your enemies may be your footstools and that you may take the strain and test that they may bring, to promote in experience, wisdom, and patience and become more and more like Christ daily. Remember, strain brings growth!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Missing It

   It's great and absolutely necessary and wise to take out of your day to examine your time, your motives, your desires, your heart, etc, and it is truly a great help in everyday life. With all of the various thoughts and events that may go on in any given day, it is a great tool to take inventory of these sorts of things.
   But lets go on a little adventure. Say that you are in a college classroom and you have a huge mid term that accounts for half of your grade. This means that even if you have a perfect 100% average, if you make a zero on this test, you still fail and subsequently get kicked out of college. So you sit in your classroom and get prepared to take the test. You receive that test and write your name. You skip the instructions, and immediately go to answering one of the three hundred questions because you have a time limit. You answer the questions perfectly.
   But if you had only read the directions, you would have seen that you were supposed to leave the questions blank and simply write your name to pass.
   The problem is, you may examine all of the physical aspects of your life all day long, but if you miss the most important part, when this life is over, you still have failed. The most important part, the directions if you will, is Christ. Accepted Christ into your heart, soul, and life after believing that He was crucified, died on a cross and rose again from the dead three days later so that your sins may be forgiven. These are the directions and are absolutely necessary to pass the test.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Rightful Thanks

   As stated before, it is extremely easy to look at all of the horrible things that may happen in this world on a daily basis. Its true, there are a variety of things that go on daily that may be heartbreaking, or even startling to think about. There are murders, robberies, suicides, drug use, etc. that seem to happen all of the time.
   With all of these things that happen, it may be quite easy to forget or overlook the blessings that God has placed in your life on a daily basis. For example, one might forget that breath is not a right, but a privilege granted by God. Here are some common blessings that are frequently overlooked. Not all of these may apply to you, but even in that there should be rejoicing, because all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His Purpose.

  • Walking
  • Talking
  • Breathing
  • Hearing
  • Thinking
  • Seeing
   These are common senses and activities that you may be able to do. But do not take this for granted, these were given to you by God Almighty, so even in these things, give Him thanks!

Sunday, November 27, 2011


   Have you ever had a friend, or maybe this is you yourself, who is or was a complete blabber mouth? Have you ever known that person who could never keep their mouth shut about anything? Its one thing to have something to say about everything and what is said is meaningful and has eternal impact or meaning, but I am referring to when someone always has something to say and what they are saying has seemingly no meaning at all.
   Well let us use that person for this example. What if one day, you and that person were at some social event, and that person said absolutely nothing to entire time while on the way to the event. In fact, the entire ride there, the only thing that was heard in the car was music. You two arrive at the event. You are greeted by the host of the event and you start socializing with others. Your friend socializes but keeps his words very light. On the way home, your friend says absolutely nothing until you turn down his street to drop him off. All he says was that the social was great and he thanks you for the transportation.
   Even though what he said was not that spectacular, you will probably always remember it. It was simple, but its background was pure. The point is, sometimes if you keep humble and quiet, when you do finally speak, what you say has impact and power more so than if you were to simply babble all of the time. So be humble, think, and have impact in your speech and influence to better reach others in spreading the Gospel

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What are you looking for?

   Its a tough thing to think about, but when one goes into any situation or circumstance in life, what does on really seek? That is to say, with what motive do they want to fulfill at any given moment? What our answer should be is that we plan to seek holiness as we do things, holiness over happiness.
   In this, true Joy will come out of our holiness which comes from our relationship with Christ, hence the Joy of the Lord is our Strength. Meaning that when we focus on our call to be holy, rooting from our relationship with Christ, then the Joy of the Lord with abound anyway.
   So this Thanksgiving, as we sit with family and remember of ways that we are thankful and joyful, let us remember that in all things, we are to be holy, and out of that shall come the Joy of the Lord, the Ultimate Joy.
   Let us also remember the Ultimate reason to be thankful, that is Christ coming down to Earth, dying on a rugged cross, being raised from the dead, ascending into Heaven, and sitting at the right hand of the Father, so that as the years start showing on our faces and our strongest days are gone and we leave this Earth, we shall be in the presence of the Almighty God, because our sins were forgiven. Let us be thankful and joyful!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Do Hard Things

   One of the challenges to our calling to be holy that many of us face daily is the desire and natural tendency to follow the crowd of the flesh and react to things in a way that the world would. That is, not separating ourselves from the world in the way that we do things, thinking, saying, and doing. Here are some areas to think about when it comes to responding to our calling to be holy:

  • Speech- we do not say whatever comes to mind, or speak with haste or anger, but with patience, wisdom, and understanding
  • Thought- we do not stay distracted with ungodly thoughts, lusts of our eyes and minds, that keep us from fully pursuing the will of the Father
  • Actions- we continually do things that spread the Love of Christ and advance us and others in our spiritual walk so that others may see Christ through our actions 
   My challenge to you is to simply monitor these areas and make sure that in everything that we do, we are responding in a way holy to the world and pleasing in the eyes of Christ.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


   In life, there are many things that we can look at wish were better. For example, anyone can go outside to a street corner and see things that are not even accepted in worldly standards, yet align themselves in accordance to the bible. For example, we may go driving around almost any city and see someone smoking marijuana or something of that sort, and are quick to judge that person, and or be disappointed with the status of the world. That is easy, too easy in fact, to do.
   But how about we be rebellious against the tide, and instead of  seeing people doing sin all of the time, we see the potential to spread of Jesus Christ. After all, our calling is to go and make disciples, that is people following in the pursuit for a real relationship with Jesus. When we look at the glass, and see it as half empty, there should be the joy that there is potential for it to be filled!
   So instead of only seeing the troubles and flaws of the world, I challenge you to see the world as an opportunity to be filled with the Gospel and the Spirit of Jesus Christ. So go out, see potential, and Spread the Gospel and Love of Christ to the world!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


   Jesus was one of extreme, total, and absolute truth! All of the time! The was extremely helpful in that it helped those whom He came into contact with know what on a personal level it took for them to grow closer to the Father. Yet, if you notice, Jesus was never discouraging to the point of someone wanting to give up on their race to the Father. In other words, Jesus never did things to make others to not follow God because a representative of Him was so non encouraging. Jesus always pointed people in the right direction, He did not just tell others that they were doing wrong. Here are some ways that we can make sure we are sharpening our Brothers in the Faith, and not just tearing them down:

  • Speech
  • Kindness
  • Examples in our Lives
  • Actions/ Words that may offend on a personal level
  • Actions/ Words that may offend on a general universal level
   Let us examine our words and actions and attitudes towards ourselves and others to make sure that we are showing sensitivity that we may not tear each other down, but build them up in the Faith.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


   When it comes to the subject of growth, lets take a second and think about a yard. I know you may not see why growth is something of repetition in this blog, but growth is what we are called to do in our relationship in Christ so that when we spread Him, we will also be an example of Him because of our growth in Him. So back to the yard.
   If you take an old yard, where all kinds of plants have started to grow, and you plant grass, tell me, what happens? Grass grows. Perhaps even beautiful, stunning grass, but it is soon tainted by the overgrowth of surrounding of weeds.
   This at times can become our spiritual lives. Jesus is stronger than sin, or any past. But when we seek to grow in Christ, we should also seek to root up bitter roots and things of the past that may hinder us, or take our focus away from Christ, so that now that the weeds are gone, the grass may grow exclusively.
   Some refer to this as getting to the bitter roots. This is a much needed aspect when it comes to giving our ALL to Christ! So let us be ever watchful of our lives, and dig up roots so that our growth in Christ may be exclusive!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Full Trust

   In this influence of a lifestyle of American comfort, it is easy, in fact too easy, to let our trust confide in our possessions or abilities. We know in the back of our minds that our trust should be solely in the Lord, but sometimes when we examine our lives, we find areas where this is the exact opposite. The opposite of trusting God is not only openly denying his ability to provide and be God, but to undermine it, even a little, by doing things that say that you dont Fully trust in the ability of God, that you know He is in control, but that you still want a backup plan, as if God could possibly fail. Here are some areas in our lives where we should examine our trust in the Father:

Money: In this economy, it is easy to put our trust in our savings account instead of God's promise to provide. We may tend to put money in our pockets for emergencies instead of giving to the Kingdom.

Time: We spend our days constantly on the run, as it takes more nowadays to make a living if you will. But do we trust God with time that we should give Him every day, do we even take time for Him daily?

Future: Do we try to plan everything from our day to the rest of our lives without even considering what God may want us to accomplish in a given day, or even in our lifetime?

   These are just a few aspects to think about as you go through life, analyzing where your true trust in the Lord stands, and always pushing to let your trust in the Lord become greater and greater.                                                                                                                      

Monday, November 14, 2011

Keeping it Rolling

   A huge aspect mentioned in this blog is growth. The reason is because growth is an essential part of Christianity and a core aspect of Hope Ministries of the Upstate.As Shawn Parker, the founder of the ministry, put it, "Growth in the knowledge of Christ is a key aspect in Hope Ministries of the Upstate."
   So lets take a look at an ant. An ant starts out as a egg, hatched from the queen. The ant is then let to grow to a certain size, work, and then die. Before the ant is able to truly work, it must reach a certain size, whether that be in a short period or not.
   Another example, ancient Roman society. A boy grows to a certain size and then is allowed, if not mandated, to fight in the army of his territory. Yes, it takes time to get to that size, but once he is there, he is there and it is time to defend his territory.
   But here is the thing about growing in Christ. For us humans, there is no "there." This means that we do not have intentions of growing in Christ to get to a certain tangible point, and then quit because we think that we have arrived, no, we continue to seek Wisdom and Growth, running with perseverance towards the knowledge of Christ and the Word of the Father! Never give up or stop in the quest for growth in Christ, always work to keep it rolling!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

American Comfort

      As Christians, we are called to be Holy. This word literally means "Different." Seems simple enough, except for the fact that we are surrounded by and engulfed in the American Society Mindset of standard sin and comfort. Do not misunderstand me, I am not saying that all comfort in American Society is sin, but some if not most of them are not what God calls us to participate in to live a Truly Holy life.
   Think of the American Dream for example. A nice mustang or Chevrolet living in a big house with a nice white picket fence, two kids, a boy and a girl, and a nice wife/ husband with plenty of money for necessity and pure comfort. Seems pretty appetizing.
   Yet the thing that isn't really thought about in this picture is the father with his son two blocks from you guys who has absolutely no money and is barely keeping his child clothed and fed, yet himself. So tell me, in this story, would you just drive past them in your Mustang, or stop and help? I bet you're thinking, "Well I would stop and help." Well think of this, your church is in dire need of someone to help say clean up after services every week, or help with parking. Yet you have the option to just come and enjoy service every week from your pew, and then simply go home. What's the difference between the two stories? I tell you nothing. Comfort and the decision to simply accept an unnecessary comfort or do work to help others or the advancement of the Kingdom of God is present in both stories. So tell me, are we living Holy, going against the grain of American comfort in being different to advance God's Kingdom?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Breaking Boundaries: Selfishness

   Have you ever ran into some extra money, enough that you could theoretically give some away to someone in need? Ok, I know that in this tough economy, it is not common to have alot of extra money, but lets say that you do.
   So one morning you are passing someone on the street corner who needs a couople of bucks for a place to stay that night. She goes to your church every Sunday with her child, who is also with her there in the cold, and they just need enough for one night.
   On the other hand, there was this cool computer at Walmart that you really want. It has been just sitting there for months and you have dreamed of having it for the longest. Its a 62 inch HD plasma for the exact same amount of money that it would take to help that family out.
   My point is, it takes breaking the boundaries of personal comfort and selfishness to be able to hold off on that television in which you did not really need, especially then, and help out this family that desperately need it for one night. It has to be extremely difficult at first until you imagine yourself in that family's shoes. But it takes building to that point to be there. It takes breaking all of these other boundaries everyday to overcome the one of selfishness, the motive of all sin.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Breaking Boundaries: Discipline

It took alot to be a disciple. Imagine having the privilege of getting to follow Jesus wherever He went, watching His every move and response to every situation encountered in life, so that you may have the Wisdom to derive a Holy and Acceptable response to every situation in your life, that must have been amazing!
I bet that it took alot as well however. It must have took the patience to develop discipline. Discipline enough to not only see what Jesus did, but to follow in His footsteps when it comes to the Father. It must have taken reading the Word every day, and having the Discipline to spend time with God in Prayer, Worship, and Admiration.
Wait! Are we not supposed to be disciples of Christ?
Then maybe we should, no we definitely should, develop the discipline it takes to stay in the Word of the Lord, (the Bible), and in Prayer and personal time with the Father, always drawing closer to Him. The point is however, this does not just happen. You do not just wake up one morning with the Discipline to continually seek the Father. It takes pushing those personal boundaries that keep us apathetic, and pushing to come to God daily, to develop the Discipline that it takes to be a True Disciple.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Breaking Boundaries: Forgiveness

   Another are in our lives where boundaries should be broken in order for growth to take place is forgiveness. In this, Im not just referring to the "Oh its alright, I guess Im not mad, so I forgive you" forgiveness, but true forgiveness, both exampled and motivated by the Father.
   It is quite easy to say that we forgive someone or something, especially in the event where others are present, (of course alot more goes into that), but it takes the pushing of boundaries to be able to truly forgive someone, and it does not start out easy. It is sort of like learning how to ride a bike.
   At first, one may use training wheels for an extended period of time, and they are content not to move on without them. So the second that they come off, they continue to fall until they practice long enough to get the hang of how truly riding a bike must be done.
   Forgiveness can sort be just like that. You start off just saying the words, "I forgive you," and are content with that totally, not knowing the true definition of forgiveness. Then, you stretch your boundaries a ton, with endurance, wisdom, and patience, until you learn slowly how to respond with true Forgiveness, and Jesus did and does to us every time we sin.
   So my challenge, stop, be patient, and start to respond with things as if your intention was to stretch the boundaries of your forgiveness.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Breaking Boundaries: Patience

      It is very easy to get mad at the man next to you when you are on the highway and they completely cut you off and stop almost right in front of you. Youre driving down the road, following all of the rules and all of a sudden the guy just cuts in front of you. Whats the first thing that you want to do? Probably let out your anger. It takes forgiveness to move forward but it takes patience to forgive. Patience is the key to make you stop and think of what Jesus would do in a particular situation, thinking how He would move forward. Impatience leads to massive self centeredness, while patience leads to acknowledgement and surroundings. Here are some things to think about when it comes to patience:

  • Have I taken the time to see what God would want me to do?
  • Is what I am doing lining up with the Word of God?
  • Have I reacted to something or have I actually responded
  • Have I taken time to calm down, evaluate, and think
   These are just some things to think about when you are in a situation and the last thing on your mind is the Love of Christ, which should be the first thing that you show. So stop, think, pray, and show patience.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Out of the Comfort Zone

   If you have ever lifted weights, you know that in order for your strength to increase in any length, or in order for your your muscles to grow at all, one must literally break them past the point that they were before, so that when they grow back, they will be bigger, stronger, and more durable.
   In the same concept, if you have ever tried to decrease the time it takes for you to run a particular distance, you know that in order for you to break that time, you have to break the barrier of the time you had before, to gain the endurance and speed it takes to complete the race at a faster time.
   Its all about pushing the boundaries of our previous comfort zones in order to achieve a higher level of possibility. When comfort zones are not broken, growth does not take place. Over this next week I will be describing different areas in our lives where comfort zones must be broken so that growth may take place. The first one for tonight is evangelism. Tell me, how can one expect to reach others with Christ if they never communicate outside of the Fellowship of Believers? How can one expect to reach the lost if they never take the time to even talk to them? How can someone say that they want to love others the way that Christ loves them if they do not even give the time of day to those who may have never heard the Gospel? The answer: they cant. Here is my challenge, grow out of your comfort zone in this aspect by talking to someone you never have before, and if you are not totally positive they have heard about or understand the Cross, take the time to try to explain it, you may be surprised how much you grow yourself.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Only if it lasts Forever

   Lets go on an imaginary adventure. Say someone works their entire life for the sole goal was to make money to buy a huge house. This person wants a three story, six bedroom house with a pool. The specifics do not really matter, the point is, they have set the goal of their life to have this gigantic house. You make think that this is quite far fetched, but think of the American dream. That is work hard, get paid, have a big house with a great husband/wife, a pool, and a dog. Sometimes us Americans can live our lives for comfort, and not the eternal effects of the Power of Christ. So think of these ways that we can ignore comfort and do something that lasts for eternity, example:

  • Sharing the Gospel
  • Encouraging Words
  • Listening to Others\
  • Kind Gestures (Picking up someones trash, etc)
   Simple things like this may sound cliche, but in reality that can be the seed to plant something that lasts truly for eternity. My challenge, evaluate your actions and time to see if what you do in how you spend your day actually lasts for forever.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What We Say

   Most people, especially in our younger generation, dont really analyze or even briefly think of what we say before we say it. We like to just say what comes to mind thinking that whatever comes out must be appropriate because we thought of it. Here is the thing, we frequently say vastly inconsiderate, hurtful things unintentionally, just either talking too fast, or not considering fully who we are talking to or what we are really trying to communicate. Here are some things to think about during our daily conversations:

  • What is the Holy Spirit leading me to think/ say
  • What am I really trying to communicate
  • Who am I talking to
  • What might their past experiences prohibit me from saying
  • How can Christ be shown in our conversation  
  • Are my emotions dictating my speech, if so, I need to reevaluate
   I honestly cannot say that I think of this every time I have a conversation, but I really should. I think it is a great gift from God and a teacher of patience to learn how to control the tongue. I am working on it every day, so lets work on it together!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Take a second and...

   I bet if you talked to the average sane person on the street corner and you asked them if they would either like to or think that they are going to heaven, they would say yes. I think that if you went a little further and asked why they think they know this, some would even go as far as to say because Jesus forgave them for their sins and accepted them into His Kingdom, therefore they are going to Heaven inevitably.
   Assuming that there is no real relationship between that person and Christ, the world at least knows that the reason that we justify our "entrance" into heaven is because we have been forgiven from our sins by the Love and acceptance and relationship with Jesus Christ in our lives.
   So if we, and the world, expect to be forgiven by Jesus from our sins, that we continue to commit daily might I add, then why can we not forgive others when they do wrong against us or other people? Jesus gave His earthly life so that we may be forgiven, and yet we still stab His back when we sin against Him. Yet someone says one harsh word to us, once, and there is absolutely no forgiveness in our hearts? Something is wrong with that picture. My challenge to you: take a second, and forgive.