Monday, June 10, 2013


  Have you ever had the greatest intention of sharing Christ with everyone around you? You start your day with the mindset of sharing Christ. You do this by intention NOT avoiding anyone so that you may potentially talk to them about Christ.
   In the intentionality of not avoiding people, you realize that you actually haven't shared Christ with anyone that day, because you haven't talked to anyone that day. Let me explain. It takes more than NOT avoiding people, but we are to be intentional with others so that we may share Christ with others by letting them see Christ in our lives. But how can they see Christ in our lives if they cant see our lives? And how can they see our lives if we are intentional about showing it? We are to connect to share Christ!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Lacking in Nothing

   Have you ever seen someone who seemed to just have everything? Anything that someone could think of, they had. Money, food, easily provided anything needed for their family, always. You may even equate this to a king in his palace. A good king, a true king, is not measured by what he has, but by the quality of life of his people. 
   If the kings people are living in shambles and of a poor quality of life, that king is not truly considered a good king. However, their were kings that provided well for their kingdom and were considered amazing kings. Now if they can provide for their people on earth, the True King can surely provide for His People!
   Jesus is the True King and lacks in absolutely nothing. He takes great care of His Own and makes all things work for their good, if they love Him and are called according to His Purpose. Do you know that King? The True King? His Kingdom is forever and He lacks in nothing

Monday, June 3, 2013

Two Summer's Ago

   Two summers ago, as I attended a summer camp in Cleveland Tennessee entitled Student Life Camp, one of the most impactful moments was not necessarily during worship, it was not during a teaching, and it was not even during a game, but it was after all of those things when we were walking to lunch.
   You see, a day before, we had a day at SL entitled water day. This day, during our game time, we literally played in big tubs of water, along with hoses, wet sponges, etc. And afterward, we all got together as a team (SL had four teams) and we would talk, share, and pray.
   After all of that was done, one man asked me for my name. I gladly gave him my name and to his not thinking too much about it, thinking that with all of the people that went to SL Camp, there is no way that he would remember my name anyways, but it was very nice of him to ask for it.
   The very next day during recreational time, we played another game and afterward we huddle to talk, share, and pray. After this was completed, he called me by name. He remembered my name.
   That moment still sticks to me to this day. Sometimes the smallest things with the most compassion have the most impact! Think of the little things today, see the trees and the forest as a whole, and do something small that could possibly make a big impact in someone elses life!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Best Day Ever

Have you ever had the feeling that today will be the best day ever? You wake up that morning with nothing but positive thoughts, and you go through your day with a positive outlook. For that day, there is nothing that can get you down. It is truly the best day ever.
   Recognize that I never said that everything went your way that day. In fact, most of the time, there is something in the day that goes the complete opposite way of yours. However your outlook made it the best day ever.
   Accepting Christ is the best decision that anyone could make. It is truly the best day ever. However, this does not mean that once someone accepts Christ, everything goes there way, but it does mean that they are on the winning team, Christ's team! That is the best day ever!

Monday, May 20, 2013

He's Got it All

   Have you ever had a package that needed to be delivered across country? What do you do? Do you go to your car when you have work the next morning and drive from South Carolina to California just to make sure that your package is delivered?
   Although possible, that is probably not the route that one would take. Instead, they would go to their mailbox or post office, pay for postage, and send it via a mailing service. Then what do you do? You trust. All of a sudden, depending on your shipping options, the package is delivered a few days later at the destination.
   You put your trust in a mailing service, believing that once you sent your package, there was nothing to worry about. Have you put your trust in the Lord, knowing that once He has your heart, there is nothing to worry about? If you havent, giving your heart to Christ is the greatest decision that you could ever make! He has got it all!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thank You

   Over the last couple of weeks, I have either been finishing up in my classes, preparing and studying for an exam, taking an exam, or packing to go home. Therefore, I have had very little time for this blog. However, God is still God and has and will watch and care for His beloved. But I do want to thank you for bearing with me through this time as I have been finishing up with my first year in college.
   Just to let you know, the HOPE Ministries blog will continue to be fully functional and updated constantly as was before. May God bless you tremendously this week and may His Hand be upon you always!

Friday, May 3, 2013

What You Expect from Humans

   When my mother was single, and had to raise me on her own, she unfortunately had to play the role of the mother and the father. She cooked, cleaned, played with me, and let me play with others to try to make sure that I had what I needed to develop correctly.
   However, this was impossible, for her to perfectly fulfill both jobs as a mother and a father. Although she did all that she could, it was just not possible for her to do this perfectly, and I can not blame her for it.
   Yet, as a child, I did not know nor fully understand this, so to me, she was expected to be super woman. She would always help with my homework and such things like that, but she never wanted to play things like football and soccer with me because she was a woman and she worked all day to make sure we had necessities.
   Therefore, she could not do all of the things that I expected of her, for it was humanly impossible. Do you ever think that you may put too many expectations is humans, to where they either can not or wont fulfill them all, and therefore, you feel let down by people? I urge you to watch your expectations in humans and put your faith and expectations into the promises of God, for they will always be fulfilled!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


   Have you ever had to wait for a package to come in the mail? You ordered something only a few days ago but it seems that it is taking absolutely forever. Every day the mail man comes you are the first outside to see if what you have paid for has finally come?
   I recently did this. But there was one thing that I learned. No matter how much I desired for something to come faster, the delivery date did not change. I could not rush the mail man. If we cannot rush mailmen, what makes you think that we can rush God? Blessings and promises from God come in His timing, not ours!
   God controls all, including time. Patience brings Him honor, for you know that He will provide all that we need, for patience shows trust! Do you trust in Him, or do you try and rush the mailman?

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Creator and Fixer

When I was in the tenth grade, I was always amazed at one device, the iPod Touch. Yes, it had already been available on the market for a few years, However, this was the first time that I had owned one.
I got it from a friend of mine. He was done with it because it had broken. Therefore, he graciously let me keep it and I gladly used the broken iPod for some time. However, after a while, I realized that it was time for the iPod to be fixed.
I called places around town that claimed that they could fix it. That sounded great, however I was not really content with that. So I called Apple. The iPod was still in warranty, so it was no competition! I sent the iPod to Apple to be fixed by them. Why? Who knows something better than the one who made it?
We were created by God and made in His Image. In this life, we go through tests and trials continually for the sanctification of the saints. However, when we hit the moments where we need something to be fixed so that we may proceed, which is the point of the test, who better to fix what is broken than the One who made us in the first place, the Lord Almighty. He is the Creator of All, and He can fix all!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Good Management

   Jesus never made a promise that He could not, did not, or will not fulfill! Most say, "Well, that"s because He is Jesus, the perfect son of God!" This is true. However, if you step back from the big picture and look at some small aspects, you may see the things Jesus did in making this true.
   One of the biggest things of this ability to fulfill all He said was management. For example, I cannot tell my friend that I will meet them at the library at five o'clock in the afternoon, and then go tell my other friend that I am going to meet them to get something to eat across town at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. We are called to have management over our time, which gives us management over our promises. 
   I also cannot spend $5,000 to buy a new Rolex, and then have no money for tithes. I cannot go blow all of my money on golf clubs, and not have enough for the mandated ten percent of my tithing. If I have five dollars, I cannot give a friend ten, for I wont have it. Money is also a huge thing that we are called to manage. 
   However, God may be dealing with you on a personal level to show you what He has given you and wants you to manage better, for it is all His. Therefore, pray that God shows you things that He wants you to see so that you may become more like Him. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

To Be Free

   What does one think of when they hear the word anarchy? "a state of society without government or law" is the definition according to However if you ask the common man walking down the street, they may say that anarchy is the state or no law, basically. 
   Now what do people think of when they hear the term "freedom?" Most think of a state of not being told what to do by anyone, and totally dictating their actions by their will. Then, inevitably, they equate freedom with anarchy, thinking that without law, they can obey their own will completely and only then are they truly free.
   This runs into their spiritual beliefs, and they may think that true freedom saying that they believe in Christ, but follow their own will without even seeking out the Will of God because we are free in Christ. 
   However this is simply not correct. Quite the opposite. True freedom comes from accepting Christ and trusting and obeying His Will, knowing that what He desires is for you to be free, in Him! We simply do not know what is best, but God knows the past, present, and future, and is His Will there is wisdom, and in His Wisdom, there is true freedom!

Opportunity to Share

  Let us go on another quick journey. Imagine that you are jogging down the road that you live on during a warm, perfectly breezy summer morning. You have already ran three miles and are on the last leg until you return back to your home.
   All of a sudden, you look down at the path ahead of you and on the gravel what do you see, nothing else than one hundred dollars just lying on the ground with a note attached stating, "to whoever finds this: this is yours to keep. This bill keeps on multiplying. You shall never be in need anymore. You are saved from the falling economy of this world."
   So, after you return home, you pay your tithing, and you all of your bills, for the one hundred dollars kept multiplying and you immediately went to blessing other people. You did not let that precious opportunity pass to share the wealth of that hundred bucks to bless others.
   You may be reading this saying, if I had one hundred dollars that multiplied continually, I would surely use it to do just that. Well, you have something much more. You have the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which has the power to save those from the falling of this world! If you were the one who was running, you probably would not hesitate to pick up that bill. So tell yourself, do you hesitate at the opportunity to share the Word of God?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Way Ya See It

Lets go on a hypothetical adventure. Let us say that there are two sisters that are twins. Both of them have had the same classes all of their lives and they both come home with a major English assignment due the next day.
   They get home, eat dinner , and talk with their family about the day. Both are not the happiest at the fact that they have a lot of work to do to finish their respective assignments. However, the difference is that one sister does not complain about the assignment, but is eager to start so that she may finish it proficiently and efficiently. The other sister, on the other hand, only complained about having to do it, stating that it was pointless and was very hesitant to even start the project.
   The difference did not lie in the appearance of these two twin sister, or in the assignment that they were given, it lied in the outlook. One sister realized that it had to be completed, so there was no need to waste time complaining.
   As Christians, we know that Christ is King ans Lord and His Will is the Supreme Will of the Land, so when we have our assignments, whether the Universal assignment of making disciples of all nations, or the individual assignments He gives us, we realize that He is Lord and He knows All! Its about Outlook. How you see Jesus and His commands. That is what seperates!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

   So, you are at church on a given Sunday morning, attending service, and you are happily moving your body as your soul rejoices the the five songs played by the worship band that morning. From the strike of the first chord until the holding out of the last note, your spirit simply is fully locked on to the Love of God and the Desire to Worship Him!
   Therefore, you attend the evening service at your respective church, and you experience God in a mighty way through the songs played that night as well. At the end of that Sunday, you feel as that music that glorified God and inspired you to sing along has truly changed your attitude on life and following the Life of Christ.
   Yet, when you get into your car, on comes whatever is on the radio. And along with that, on comes whatever the song is glorifying, because everything glorifies something! And, because of the pure sound of the music, you feel the inspiration to start moving your body again.
   On Sunday morning however, your body, spirit, and the songs glorified God. In your car, however, they glorified whatever the song was. Its time to glorify only the Father. I encourage you, watch what you are taking in and what you are living out, for God isnt only for Sunday morning!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Being Watched

   The most important part of leading is surely the watching. We can say absolutely anything that we want to. We could say not to do this and that and even state good reason. But is that what we ourselves live?
   Telling people about the excellence, love, power, and forgiveness of Christ is an absolute calling as Christians and followers of Jesus Christ! However, Jesus was surely not just talk. And listening to Him is surely not all that the disciples did.  The watched His every move! They watched His responses, and listened to His words.
   People watch your actions! Our job is not only to tell about Jesus, but to BE like Him! In our actions and our words! People are watching, so show them Jesus!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Not Wasting the Time

   As one can imagine, there are classes that students take just so that they fill the educational requirements to graduate college. Not to criticize the state of education of South Carolina, but there was a class that I was required to take during my sophomore year of high school entitled Composition and Research. Every day I would witness some students falling asleep for most of the class period and pass the class. Partially because most of the time, we would finish the elementary work fairly quickly. Now it is up to you to decide how well this class consumed our time.   However, if you are one that believes that 90 minutes of the day were wasted in that class, how much more then would you agree that we waste our time and energy daily by not following the Will of the Lord? How much time or heart daily do we put in discipleship, in seeking the Father, in Spreading His Word, in Obeying His Commands? I urge you, our time is not guaranteed in this life! Don't waste the life that you are given!

Friday, April 12, 2013


   Did you know that in Chemistry, some reactions cannot occur with water? They are called spectator ions, and sodium is a specific one. When you add sodium with water, it is a spectator, it does not react, for it is part of a strong base (sodium hydroxide). The interesting part is, although sure sodium dissolves in water, it does not react, no matter the temperature or pressure or any colligative property.
   God absolutely cannot, no matter the circumstance, sin. Also, sin, no matter what, can be in the Presence of the Lord. No matter the time of day, the weather outside, or your sin, God Himself will not and cannot ever sin against His Word! Why is this important, because that means that you serve a God that is not only Great, Mighty, and All Powerful, but He is also Perfect! You serve a Perfect God!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Disciples Discipline

   Being a disciple took a lot. Imagine having the privilege of getting to follow Jesus wherever He went, watching His every move and response to every situation encountered in life, so that you may have the Wisdom to derive a Holy and Acceptable response to every situation in your life, that must have been amazing!
   Wait! Are we not supposed to be disciples of Christ?
   Then we should develop the discipline it takes to stay in the Word of the Lord, (the Bible), and in Prayer and personal time with the Father, always drawing closer to Him. The point is however, this does not just happen. You do not just wake up one morning with the Discipline to continually seek the Father. It takes pushing those personal boundaries that keep us apathetic, and pushing to come to God daily, to develop the Discipline that it takes to be a True Disciple.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

New Life

   Have you ever heard of the story of someone "escaping" death? They were on the death bed and for a matter of time, they were biologically dead? Maybe their neurons stopped working momentarily or their heart temporarily stopped pumping. However, a few seconds or minutes later, they come back to biologically
   We were fully dead in our sin and HE brought us back to life. We were numb to the things of God, but because He died on the Cross, we are given the chance to come to Him and Ultimately to the Father in the end through His forgiveness with an entirely new life in Christ! If you have accepted Christ, you have been justified and now are being sanctified daily to become like Him, for He is New Life!

Monday, April 8, 2013

All Along

   Have you ever watched a movie about a SuperHero about to engage in battle? Tell me, what can you infer? You probably,without even thinking about it, infer that the good guy is going to win. And in most movies and shows, the plot allows for the good guy to end up winning against the bad ones.
   Guess what, in the way that things have been set up by the Almighty God, He is victorious in the end, which means that WE are also victorious if we are in Him and his child. This is good news. That means that when it seems as we are losing this battle in life against sin, ALL ALONG we have already gotten the Victory, for Christ is victorious! Be encouraged, for ever since the beggining, God has already won the war!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Living Out Loud

   In chorus, my teacher would always say," When you sing, sing out loud and with confidence. If you were to mess up, mess up loud and with confidence, at least for practice". So that is what we did. We sang confidently and loud, even when we were wrong.
   I am not saying to go out and sin loudly, but I am saying live the Gospel loudly with confidence, since it is what you truly believe. If you were, or better yet when, you mess up, be confident in the fact that you have already been forgiven through Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour. So live the Gospel out loud, with confidence, knowing that you have been forgiven!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Not Worried

 I want to bring your attention to the scripture in Philipians 4.6 that states" Be anxious for nothing...", to be anxious, or worried specifically about the future, for nothing. For even though the things that God has called us to do may not be in our comfort zone, which most of the time it is not, or even though we feel as we may not be able to do it, or that we are in it alone, the Word of the True and Living God tells us not to be anxious, but to may make our request known to God.
   Remember that God is ALWAYS with you, no matter where you go. When He sends you out of your comfort zone, He is still right there beside you! Do not be afraid of the tasks that Lord has set before you, because He is always there as well!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Full Time Duty

  I am in the Pre Pharmacy program at my college. Therefore, some would consider me an aspiring pharmacist. But I am a minister, full time all of the time. Christians, we are all called to the same thing, all of us are all full time ministers. In every way, we are supposed to show and share Christ.
   Some would say well wont you do pharmacy? And the answer is yes. The problem is though, what I do does not define who I am. I repeat, what I do is not who I am. Who I am is defined by Christ and what I do will then fall in line with His Will.
   Once we understand that actions do not define our identity, but nearly a derivative of our identity that has been given to each one of us individually by our Creator, Christ. So let us not think that our actions or the actions of others define who we are, but let who we are dictate our actions!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Fruit after Yourself

   Healthy things make healthy things. Fruit bears after itself. The seed of an apple has the ability to produce another entire apple tree. The seeds of a pumpkin can easily produce another healthy pumpkin to add to a beautiful pumpkin patch.
   As Christians it is true that we are called to share the Gospel and the Love of Christ to those who have not accepted Jesus as the Lord of their life. As Jesus came to seek and to save what was lost. So lets think of another aspect.
   If fruit produces itself, then is it not important that we continually help to grow and to nourish ourselves and other Christians so that when we do produce (sharing the Gospel with those who do not yet belong to Christ), we produce others that go out to follow Christ for themselves healthily.
   H.O.P.E. Ministries strives to teach others how to make others that seek Christ. It is not an easy task for anyone and it requires diligence from the one producing the fruit. So I challenge you, grow and nourish your fruit, and bear it, in the image of Christ!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Of First Importance

  In the class of Calculus, everything is built on what is learned before it. For example, to integrate using substitution, you must first learn how to take the derivative of a function. And to learn how to take a derivative of a function, you must learn what a function is. To understand a function, you must understand the concept of x and at it to the concept of adding and subtracting. Therefore while it is great to be able to discuss integration by substitution, it would be lost without addition and subtraction.
   That is the seasoned Christian. It seems as some graduate if you will from the Cross and the Gospel. But this is our Salvation. And it does not matter how much scholarly information you can swallow about Religion, if you dont have the relationship from the Cross of Calvary, you really dont have what is first and foremost, and that is Christ dying for our sins.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Can you Forgive?

   I bet if you talked to the average sane person on the street corner and you asked them if they would either like to or think that they are going to heaven, they would say yes. I think that if you went a little further and asked why they think they know this, some would even go as far as to say because Jesus forgave them for their sins and accepted them into His Kingdom, therefore they are going to Heaven inevitably.
   Assuming that there is no real relationship between that person and Christ, the world at least knows that the reason that we justify our "entrance" into heaven is because we have been forgiven from our sins by the Love and acceptance and relationship with Jesus Christ in our lives.
   So if we, and the world, expect to be forgiven by Jesus from our sins, that we continue to commit daily might I add, then why can we not forgive others when they do wrong against us or other people? Jesus gave His earthly life so that we may be forgiven, and yet we still stab His back when we sin against Him. Yet someone says one harsh word to us, once, and there is absolutely no forgiveness in our hearts? Something is wrong with that picture. My challenge to you: take a second, and forgive.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

In the Right

Imagine that I had acquired a really close friend in elementary school and we vowed to be close friends until the end of our days. In elementary school, we would do mostly everything together from lunch to the playground to homework, as inseparable buddies.
However in high school, we still were as close as we were in elementary school, but my friend developed cancer. It was completely unexpected for him and his entire family. Just last year, your friend seemed perfectly healthy and fine, and this year he must go through the physical and psychological stress of this disease.
The doctors of course say that there is absolutely no cure for this disease. However, you have a cure for this disease that would heal him and you carry it with you everywhere. But you are scared to give it to him because you think that he may not think that it would save his life, so the fear completely prohibits you and you say nothing. Is that fair? Is that love?
Well if we say that we desire to love people the way that God loves us, why are we afraid to go out and make disciples as we are instructed in the Great Commission? Giving others the life saving message of the Gospel? This is the exact same concept! If we love others, we will let them know about the only true life saving medicine, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that He died for our sins, and through Him, we may dwell with the Father forever!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Now Go and Make Disciples

Matthew 28,19b “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Making disciples does not happen by sitting down in your room at your house waiting for someone to knock on your door so you can share Jesus with them. It does not mean that you hesitate before you engage in things that do not please God with those that you call "friends." No, it means that you are to look for opportunities to make disciples, teaching others to obey everything that Jesus has commanded you. Teaching others to OBEY! To go and to Teach are both verbs that in this sense requires one to seek the opportunities to do so! So, GO forth and make disciples, TEACHING them to obey all that Jesus has commanded you! LOOK for the opportunities!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Showing the World

As small kids look up to their big brothers and sisters on a daily basis to see what they do, how they think, how they treat others, how they treated themselves, etc, you, as Christians are watched by the world daily.
   You may not fully realize it but the world is always looking for something with true fulfillment, true affection, true leadership, something real to worship. They are looking for an all satisfying, all knowing, Omnipotent "something" that they can sink their lives into.
   So my challenge, in all of you affairs, think that someone who wants to follow God is always watching you, to see if the way you live shows them that our God is worth following, worth serving, and living for. So let us not be careless in our ways for our own selfish gain, but be persistent in the following of Christ Jesus.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Unknown Time

If you or anyone you know has ever left milk just to sit in the sun for a few days, you know what happens. The milk for becomes a solid liquid, and then later, well I dont even know if one would feel comfortable to still call it milk. Well, what happens, over a short period of time, milk cannot last as itself any longer, it perishes.
The same goes for bananas and just about any other fruit you can think of. The ripe fruit looks absolutely delicious to the taste buds, but after a certain period of time, that same fruit can make you want to gag because of how rotten it seems to be.
Using these observations, we all know that our time on Earth does not and was not meant to last forever. We all, as some would say, "Have an appointment with death, that we all will keep." The act of leaving this earth has absolutely no discrimination, everyone is picked to leave this earth no matter race, sex, occupation, or your actions on earth.
But what separates us Christians from the rest of the world is that for our time on earth, we have a set influence, to influence, teach, and spread. Influencing others that our God is Real and Loving and Just and teaching the values and goals of a Life in Christ, and Spreading the wonderful Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have limited time, don's waste it, start living the Goals of the Christian Life today!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Non- Stick

   There are things that people tend to say and do that may hurt or bother or destroy. For example, they spit on Jesus as He was being taken to the site to be crucified on the Cross. They intentionally mocked Him and put a crown of thorns on His head. They pierced and bruised him to try and hurt our Saviour.
   However, Jesus still gave them a chance to be forgiven. He still died on the Cross for those who go against His Word daily. You know what that tells us, the things they did to Jesus on the cross did not stick to Him and fill Him with anger or resentment, instead He forgave. Things may hurt and it is okay to feel that, but we are supposed to forgive, as Jesus did!

Monday, March 18, 2013


   Have you ever walked into a church that hasnt been cleaned in years? The walls are grimy, the floor is about to fall, and the ceiling too. The pulpit probably hasnt been changed since the 1800's. The bathrooms are stained and there is only one toilet seat and is missing a lid? Probably not, for the is God's House, and it reflects His Goodness and Holiness.
   Our bodies are supposed to be the same reflection. Therefore we are to take care of our bodies, for they are holy and unlike an other thing in creation. Yes, that means we are to excersice if we can and ear right, so that our temples are clean and pure and reflect the Goodness of God. How do you care for your temple?

Friday, March 15, 2013


  If you are in Christ, you are alive! Well, technically if you are reading this blog post, you are alive. But tell me, are you really alive? Are you living life as to what it was meant to be, prioritizing the right things as they were meant to be? More importantly, after this life is over, do you know what happens next?
   To the unbeliever, these may be scary thoughts. But for those who have been justified and are being sanctified by Christ, you know the answers to those questions. You  know that you have been redeemed, bought with a price. You know of Christ saving power. He has saved you, you are alive, you are revived!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


   There are some things that we can not bend on when we believe in something. For example, considering an oven is in complete working order, there is no time where it would be wise to stick your hand inside against the surface. That does not change by day, or by mood, but that is a belief that the oven will burn you!
   If you believe in Christ, you live a life that is TOUGH in that you, with the Power by the Holy Spirit of course, do not bend in the face of circumstances or day or mood, but instead you truly believe in the Word of the Lord. Your surroundings do not dictate your belief! For you dont bend with the wind, but in Christ, you are tough!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Time Well Spent

   If you want to find out what someone truly believes, see what they do when no one is watching. Are they still in the Word of the Lord, following His Will and commands? Or are they living for themselves when no one is around?
   Our spare time, our time alone, tells what we really believe. Do we live as we say we do? Do we spend time with our families? Do we pursue the Will of the Lord? If any of these things are in question, you might want to consider taking an inventory and examine your walk with Christ once again. Your time alone shows what you truly believe!

Monday, March 11, 2013


   I know there are times when I personally think that there is no way that I should be forgiven for sin committed. The reason is, after all of this time, after all of the sermons that I have listened to and the Word of God that I have read, I still sin at times and go against His commands.
   But there is encouragement. Unless there is something blasphemed against the Holy Spirit, it is forgiveable! And because Jesus died on the Cross for your sins, if you have accepted and believe in Him, you have been forgiven! So let the weight be lifted off of you, for you have been forgiven! Be blessed!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Where Needed

   Have you ever been called on to do something to advance the Kingdom of God? I am almost positive that the anwer is yes. Sometimes we are able to do things that we really enjoy that advance His Kingdom and fulfill a need, and sometimes it may honestly feel like it is all too much.
   However, know this, and this I must remind myself of at least weekly, God never puts too much on us than we can bear. WE can put too much on us than bearable, but God never will, and He will help you in serving His Kingdom when it is done for His Glory! Be encouraged!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Beautiful Things

   Jesus came to seek and to save what was lost. What was lost? Us. We were a slave to our sin. To the things of the world. To the desires of the flesh. Our hearts were stained with selfishness and sin. We had carnal thinking and desires.
   However, because of Christ dying on the Cross, we have the opportunity to be forgiven through Justification and cleansed through Sanctification. He has taken our sinful nature and turned us into beautiful new creations in Christ. He created us to be incredibly beautiful things and He has forgiven us so that we may become what we were created to be!

Monday, March 4, 2013


   Reading the Bible, there were many differences between the Pharisees and Jesus. Jesus repeatedly pointed out some of these differences, and they are preached usually in sermons that have to do with Christianity not being a religion, but a relationship.
   However, one main difference between Jesus and the Pharisees was compassion. Jesus was not out to simply condemn everyone that He came in contact with. He was sent to fulfill the Law and to seek and save what was lost, us. But He did not force us to believing and following Him, instead He showed the Ultimate Compassion by death by a Cross so that we may be forgiven of our sins and enter into eternity with Him. That is compassion. Have you showed compassion today?

Friday, March 1, 2013


   At the time that we were born, we were slaves to our sin. We disobeyed our parents and the commandments of the Lord. We may, at some point, have even thought that it did not matter because we were forgiven through Christ Jesus dying on the Cross for us.
   This is true, we were and are forgiven because Christ shed His Blood for us. However, because of this, we are also free! Free from what? The bondage and heavy yoke of sin. Yes, all have sinned, but we as Christians have been set free from its bondage and forgiven or the past. If you are in Christ, you are free!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Taking care of His Own

   Have you ever seen the child who runs home to his house after he falls down on the playground? The scene usually looks like him coming in crying his eyes out, calling for his mother or father. Then what does the mother or father do? It seems like a simple question. Obviously they go to the necessary aid of their child.
   When we call of God, he comes to our necessary aid, in ways in which we didnt even think were imaginable! I have found this to be true even this week with school finances. God will always take care of those who call on Him, so call on the Lord!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Dropped Baggage

   Have you ever driven a car that had over 200,000 miles on it, bad brakes, and the trunk was full of bricks? You probably would not prefer to drive that car over a newer one, however, this is how we come to Christ. Full of sludge and baggage. However, there is a promise from Christ.
   His Promise: Cast our burdens upon Him and He will give us rest. This means that all of the things of our past, all that e have done and all that have been done to us, can be dropped and given to Christ, and in return, we will get rest! What a Promise! Cast your burdens upon Christ!

Monday, February 25, 2013


   In Calculus class, there are different concepts that we study daily. Some of these concepts are very easy to understand for most, as they simply draw on other concepts learned earlier in mathematics. However, there are other concepts that are harder because they are completely new and do not draw on anything learned earlier.
   For those concepts, there is a critical component for learning. They are examples. They show what we are taught, which is critical to our understanding. We are to be examples for the Christian walk. We are to show what we are taught through the Word of God living through Jesus Christ. We are models for believers and inspiration for non believers. Be an example!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


   Have you ever seen a presidential debate in which the candidate running for president is talking about something dear to his heart, but is whispering the entire time? Probably not. Because when someone is serious about something, it is hard to be quiet about it. I dont mean that becuase you truly believe something, you should yell it everywhere that you go. But it does mean that at least your actions speak volumes about it.
   Therefore, those that believe that Christ died for them and they are forgiven of their sins to have eternal life with God forever should be on fire absolutely for Christ. This means that their actions speak loudly about their belief, and they do things that magnify Christ and proclaim His forgiveness. They are on fire. Are you?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Make A Way

      Have you ever heard someone make a promise to you that you really trsuted? You trusted them so much, in fact, that you knew that whatever they said, they would fulfill, even to the point where it may seem impossible? What I mean by that is even if the task was not easily accomplished, they would do it simply because they said they would?
   Well God has made us MANY promises in His Word. The great thing about it is that He has insurance on EVERY promise. This means that even if it seems quite impossible, God will make a way for His Word to be accomplished. Be confident in the fact that God will make a way!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

No One Higher

   There are people that worship many things. Some worship money. No, this does not mean that they have a face built out of money that they use to bow down to every night, but it does mean that they give some devotion to the acquisition or idea of money.
   However, as Christians, we worship Christ and Christ alone. Whats the difference you ask? The difference between worshiping Jesus and anything else is that NO ONE or NOTHING is Higher and Holy like our God! Be encouraged that the One you worship creates and controls everything, and He sits High above everything, yet He loves you enough to call you His own and call you friend. There is No One Higher!

Monday, February 18, 2013


   As Christians, we are all called to be part of the Body of Christ. So let us take a look at the human body to use as an example. As I am typing this, my brain is processing what to type and my fingers are carrying out the action. Typing this would not be possible without BOTH components.
   Yet they are not the same thing. I doubt anyone would mistake a finger for a brain. We are not all called to do the same thing. Some of us are music oriented, some of us speak, or other things that help advance the Kingdom. We are not the same, but we are called to all work together in UNITY to advance the Kingdom of God! So, how can we Unite?

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Beautiful Things

   As Christians, we realize the forgiving power of the Blood of Christ! We realize how indescribable the Joy is to be forgiven of our sins of the past, and redeemed to God by the blood of Jesus. That takes places during the acceptance of Jesus into our lives, and then there is santification.
   You see, the Bible says that we are now the righteousness of God. The righteousness of God! God is infinite in Righteousness, and we have been called to be that! What an honor. He has taken us from our sinful desires and ways, cleaned us, and made us a new creation. The Ultimate Creator ONLY makes Beautiful Things!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Going to War

   Imagine that you were, for whatever the reason, recruited in the United States Army. Not just were you recruited, but you knew that the next day, in fact, you would b shipped to a foreign frontier to defend your country. Tell me, would you be passive in your preparation?
   Would you dare not to prepare at all? Of course you would prepare! You would tirelessly get ready. Guess what, we are at a war, with the enemy and with our flesh. We are to prepare daily, tirelessly, by staying in the Word of the Lord and seeking His guidance! With Him not only are all things possible but are things may be endured! Prepare, for we are in a war!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


   Have you ever heard the term "holy roller" or something along those terms? It is generally or has historically been used as a derogatory term to insult Christians that were wild about their Faith and what they believed in to the point where they started to stand out from other people.
   However, tell me, or rather yourself, would you rather be insulted for persistantly following what you believe in to the point where everyone around you knows how radically you are in your Faith or would You rather insult Christ by not upholding His Name to the point where everyone knows? The choice is yours. I encourage you, be radical!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Like a Lion

   How do you generally greet your best friend? Probably with a hello, or hey, or whats up buddy. And these days, there are more and more guys that greet eachother in humor with not much respect at all, in fact with a tad of disrespect, because that is the value of the friendship.
   It is true that Jesus calls us friend. That He loves us unconditionally and forgave and forgives us of our sins, yet He is still King and the Almighty ONLY True God who reigns in Power and Majesty! He is to be treated with the UPMOST respect as He is the Deity! He is the Lion of Judah and sho9uld be treated as such! He is friend, but He is God!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

In Love

   It is true that iron sharpen iron. What that means is, as we grow in Christ, and we congregate and live life with others who are also growing in Christ, we use our experiences, trials, and such to help others in the walk, so that we may become stronger together.
   The goal however is what I just said, so we become stronger together. That means that the spirit or intention of the correction or guidance of others is out of pure love, as Christ loves us. This does mean discipline, as being a disciple requires it. However, examine your heart and your intentions. Are they out of love?

Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Follower

   What does it mean to be a disciple? Back in Jesus's time, if you were a disciple, it meant that you followed Jesus. Literally, you followed Him. Where He went you went. And you studied what He did, how he lived His life, what He said, what He believed, how he treated others.
   And today, the definition has not changed. You may not see Jesus walking around the Earth like they did over 2,000 years ago, what we are still just as called to follow Him as they were back then. Today that means going where He leads us, studying how He lived, what He said and believed and how He treated others. It has not changed.
   So how much do you follow? Do it literally follow Him with the way that you live your life or do you say youre a Christian but dont truly follow at all? The choice is yours.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Undefined Time

   Today, I want to take a different approach to the audience of this topic. I say that because tonight, I have good news for the unbeliever. Not a lot of good news, just one piece. IF you are an unbeliever and you are reading this post, that means you still have an unknown amount of time to make the life changing decision to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.
   I, nor does any other man, know how much time that is, so now is always the best time. You have this moment to accept Him, believe that He died on the Cross to forgive our sins and was raised from the dead three days later, and Call on Him to be Lord of your life. Why? He is the ONLY answer to True life, for the wages of sin is death and ALL have sinned. Save yourself while you still have time. If the Lord is calling you, answer!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

By Design

   There are what are called, moving or motorized Spot Lights that are produced by Higher End Systems called Studio Spot 250. They are classified as intelligent lights. They can change color, they can shuffle through color, effect (gobos) and change position by the actions of the light board via DMX protocol.
   Why am I telling you this? Well it is not just because I really enjoy the usage of those lights, but because they were made by design. Higher End Systems did what I would consider a marvelous job in those lights, but they are controlled by a user to do all that they can do,
   How much more then went into our design, that we can operate independently and go on to design other things? What is my point? We are of fascination design, and there is no way that it was my chance of any kind. Take confidence that there is a God, YHWH, and we were designed skillfully and wonderfully by Him!

Monday, February 4, 2013


   There is honor in getting things done. To me, there is nothing like the feeling of accomplishing something that I was supposed to accomplish, or understanding something that I was supposed to understand. However, as most college students can attest to, after a certain amount of time of doing that intensely, there comes a time where a refresh is in order.
   God created the world Himself in a week. He spoke things, everything actually, into existence. But, after everything was created, He took a break, and rested. Resting is something that we are called to do. It is of God, when it is used the correct way.
   I urge you, take time to refresh and rest. So that we may not grow weary in our well doing. So taht we may persevere. Refresh in the Lord!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Cake in the Microwave

   Have you ever seen the grandmother or mother in the kitchen baking a cake from scratch? Some would say, including me, that cake made like that is by far the best tasting cake in existence. The taste is original and most can tell that it was not made on a production line.
   However, if you pay attention to the actual making of the cake, you will realize that they did not bake it in a microwave. What I mean by that is it took time to make that cake. It took much patience to put it in the oven and let it bake to perfection. It was not something just done in a few minutes.
   Patience is the key to making something good and worth it. That is true for the Christian walk as well. It is more than a virtue, it is an absolute necessity in relating with people, and growing in Christ. Neither are done over night. Patience is the difference between a cake in the microwave and one in the oven.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Managing Time

   We are called not to be weary in our well doing. When I think of this, I cannot help but get the image of going to a place where help is needed, say where a crisis has occurred, and helping them so much that I become extremely fatigued, to the point in fact, to where my help is then ineffective.
   When time is managed poorly, it opens the door for disappointing someone by not being able to fulfill your promises, not being able to do the works in which the Lord calls your to do, or not being effective in what you do. Therefore, managing time is an absolute necessity in the Christian life!
   Saying no to those non essential tasks, breaking large tasks into smaller ones, planning each day or week, limiting distraction, taking breaks are all helping in managing time so that you are able to keep promises, do the works in which you are called to do, and do them effectively! Its Biblical, manage your time!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

To the Core

   As a Chemistry major, I can attest to what happens as you advance in knowledge of something. For example, I took Chemistry in high school. The first time I had ever taken a class that specifically taught Chemistry. Therefore, needless to say, I learned a lot of fundamental chemistry that I did not know before.
   However, I have also taken Chemistry in college, which is a whole other animal but that is beside the point. When I took it here, I realized quickly that even though we were learning advanced things about the subject, they were absolutely meaning without the fundamentals of chemistry, what I had learned in high school. Without those fundamentals, nothing else really mattered.
   Sometimes seasoned Christians get so caught up in higher level thinking about Christianity, that we forget the fundamental, which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I pray that we NEVER forget that Jesus died on the Cross so that we would have life eternal with the Father in Heaven!


   Most of people have heard the phrase, "you reap what you sow" before. So let us dive into the true meaning of the phrase. Its quite simple, you get out what you put in. For example, if you decided that you wanted to plant watermelons, and you put apple seeds in the soil, you will not get watermelons, but instead apples.
   So, how often do we ask the question of what we are sowing? I find that I do not ask myself this question often enough. For example, laughing at that inappropriate joke or joining in in an act that causes someone else any kind of harm, physical or emotional, is sowing the wrong things for my life.
   So I encourage you, since you do reap what you sow, sow encouragement and the things of the Lord, for then you will reap encouragement and the things of the Lord!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Those who Love the Lord...

Romans 8.28- And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
   This almost seems like a staple verse for Christianity. The verse that picks us up when we are feeling down, and gives us hope when it seems that we have none. For those purposes this verse is absolutely excellent. However, there are two prerequisites to this verse. 
   The first is, for those who love God. Since Sunday school, everyone has known that Jesus loves them. Hence the nursery rhyme, Jesus Loves Me. But it means something else for someone to Love the Lord. To love the Lord means that you live your life completely for Him, because He died to save you, and He abides with you and you in Him, therefore you are sold out for and to Him. 
   Without loving Him, I know this may step on some toes, but Romans 8.28 does not apply to you. The other part of this verse, being called according to His Purpose, will be covered later but again, without it, this promise does not apply to you. Love the Lord, for He loves you. 


   There are many reasons why people do particular things. For example, the reason that I wash the dishes is so that I may eat off of them later. The reason that I play frisbee is because I enjoy it and it helps me to stay in shape. The reason that I call someone is because I have something to say.
   There are people that commit their entire lives to studying the reasoning behind the actions of people. They study people hard, attempting to learn why the action they did happened. However, there is an incredible fact about reasoning and Christianity that you should know.
   God does not love us because of something that we did. We did not, could not, do good enough to earn that, but God loves us simply because He loves us, unconditionally, no matter what, that simple. That is worth rejoicing. There is no prerequisite. God loves you and I, unconditionally!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Stand Firm

   There are two types of concepts in the Christian Faith, negotiables and non- negotiables. The essence of a sound faith is the analyzation of the difference between the two. The negotiables are things that do not compromise the basis of Christianity.
   For example, it is completely negotiable to debate whether or not Paul used his right hand or his left hand to write his letters. That issue does not compromise Christianity to the core. However, whether or not Christ died on the Cross is non- negotiable. As a Christian, you can not negotiate whether or not that happened.
   We have to live our life carrying out these non- negotiables. If have to show what we believe and not negotiate doing so. We must carry the Faith with courage, not negotiating with the enemy that we will live for Christ. Stand firm in the Faith, and live your life like a non negotiable.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


   Back in His days on Earth, for many different reasons in which I will not get into right now, Jesus would heal. He would heal from one to entire crowds of people. However, one thing was in common in these healings that some may look over, and that is faith.
   Jesus was in a crowd of people once and everyone was bumping into Him. They were that close. However in the midst of all of that, Jesus asked (paraphrasing), "who Just touched Me, I felt power leave from me, who just touched me?"
   When He found out who the woman was, who had been suffering with issues of blood for many years, He said, woman, thy FAITH has healed you! Go in peace. This story should encourage the fact that Healing and Faith coexist. If you are expecting Healing of any sort, do not lack in Faith!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Forever and Always

   Have you ever met a person that, over time, with things that happen in life good or bad, they seem to change? Not judging the change as good or bad, but just realizing that it is a change? Things are not exactly the same with them as they used to be.
   Imagine that you confided in this person. You basically shared your life with this person. Therefore, when they changed, it kind of scared you. You did not really know what to think or how to react. You felt as if you put all your chips on the line and you may have just lost them.
   However, there is something that you should know. When it comes to God, you can put all of your chips on the line a million times and never lose them, for God never ever ever ever changes. You may always confide in Him! Be encouraged.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

No Parking

   Have you ever been walking in a big crowd and suddenly thought that it would be a good idea to stop in the middle of that crowd, clogging everyone? Or how about driving on the interstate and deciding that it would be a fantastic idea to just stop right there in the middle of the interstate?
   Or course not! You are probably think that would be crazy, and youre right. But if we think to why, we realize that the interstate is not the place to suddenly stop, but a place of continual forward progress.
   The Christian race is like that interstate. Not in the sense that our destination is reached fast, for as long as we are alive, we shall never "arrive", but in the since that it is continual forward progress. There is no place to stop and park and quit and give up, for through Christ, all things are possible! There is no parking! Only forward progress!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Never Giving Up

   Recently I started back, after a moderate break, working out again to stay in shape. Therefore, as one can probably imagine, working hard on the arms and chest followed by a three mile run after one hadnt really ran in months, came with some challenges.
   In fact, the only thing on my mind was quitting, Finishing early. After all, I had already worked enough, why not stop early instead of finishing the battle? But there was a still small voice that said quitting is not worth it. You have come entirely too far to give up.
   The reason that I am sharing this story is because it is incredibly easy to give up on the Christian fight. To say, I have fought hard enough, and give up early. Giving up is NOT an option. Any one can give up, but a righteous man perseveres. Yes, the battle is already won, but one still has to fight! As Christians, we are to never give up, for quitting is not an option!

Monday, January 14, 2013


   It is a mans desire, and even calling to protect his family, whatever the meaning and whatever the cost. This means that when his family is under attack, he is the first line of defense. At any cost, he will do what it takes to make sure that his family is safe and secure.
   As the church, we are the bride of Christ. Which, as you can imagine, puts us in the Family of God. As the Head of that Family, this means that Christ protects us at all cost, the Ultimate cost in fact, to make sure that we are safe and secure. He died for His Bride, so that we may be protected from the penalty of our sin.
   Therefore, fear not, for Christ has already died to protect you. Abide in Him and enjoy the Ultimate protection against eternal death! Christ died for the Bride, and in turn the Bride lives from Him, in Ultimate protection!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Trying Hard Enough

Have you ever heard that person who said Christianity is impossible to live because it is impossible to sin? Well part of what they are saying is correct, even though they are wrong. What I mean by that is that it is absolutely impossible for someone not to sin, but not impossible for someone to be a follower of Jesus.
   A follower of Jesus does not mean that they do not sin. In fact, it is quite the opposite in the sense that Jesus became sin so that we could become His Righteousness. That is why we are His Righteousness. For what we consider our righteousness by works is like filthy rags, literally translated to the culture of that time, menstrual rags.
   So the point is, Christianity doesnt come by trying hard enough not to sin, for it is impossible not to sin. But it does come from the forgiveness that has already been attained, true Righteousness, not what we consider to be righteous. You are the True Righteousness of God!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Not a Drill

   Have you ever seen the person that goes through Christianity like it is a game, or a drill? I like to look at it like this. They go through Christianity like it is a practice quiz of some sort, not really thinking that it matters. For example, we just had a fire drill here at my school.
   During the drill, everyone got out of the building as if there were a fire, but because no one actually saw flames, no true urgency was detected. It was relatively relaxed in fact. Sure, everyone still made it out in a timely fashion, but there wasnt a huge urgency.
   Christianity is not something to be treated as a drill. Its not a practice test. Jesus was not tortured so that you could treat life a practice test, but so that you could go through the REAL test with Him as your guide and help! Its not a drill. Live life as if it is a real test, everyday, with God as your guide!

Monday, January 7, 2013


   Matthew 12.30- ""He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters." The words of Jesus as He is talking to the Pharisees. This is an astounding statement, two in fact. However, I would like to focus on the second part of this statement. "He who does not gather with me, scatters."
   It is a necessity to gather with Christ, both privately and publically. In fact, without it, scattering is promised. Scattering from the foundation of Christ, the Solid Foundation. So what does that mean for us?
   Privatley we must seek Him. We must stay in His Word, following the guidance of His Statutes and the leading of the Holy Spirit. We must meet with Him daily and continue in a pure relationship with the Living God. Pubilically we must gather with others, with the same goal as to reaching and abiding in Him. These are necessities, commands even! Gather!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Never Changing

   Have you ever tried to grow a flower in a pot without soil? Just putting the seeds into a pot full of water and hoping for the best? Im assuming the answer to that question is probably not. Have you ever thought as to why that is the case?
   Well, among many other obvious reasons, there is one that stands out to me. The position of the soil never changes, but water moves freely about in the pot alone. A plant can grow in soil because it is rooted to something, something nutrient rich that remains the same.
   We are rooted in Christ and He is not as weak and fragile as water, but He is full of all that we need, and remains constant to dwell in like the soil. God is a Rock and He is never changing. His Word remains constant and His promises True! Rejoice, for our God will always be God!

Friday, January 4, 2013

In His Grip

   You know, at the church that we attend, there is a minister there that likes to use the phrase "In His Grip" after his text messages and emails. At first, some may think it is a tad bid over zealous as a way to spread Faith and such, but if we actually take time to analyze, it is a remarkable phrase.
   As we know, we all have sinned. I have probably sinned at some point already this morning or am close to it. However, even though the wages of sin is death, because of Christ, I am not kicked out of the Kingdom.
   You see, even though we may let go of Him at times, through our sin and shame, He never lets go of us. He doesnt let us fall by the wayside because of our mistakes, for they have all already been paid for! Praise be to God, for we are in His Grip!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Power Not to Sin

   In recent posts, I have talked about encouragement when it comes to our sin. Not encouragement to sin of course, but encouragement that it is not the end of \the world once a sin is committed, because all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God.
   Another in that was this not being a way to get away with sinning. It is not. In fact, when we read the Word of God, we know that we can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us. That means that from Him comes POWER to follow His ways and not sin against His Word.
   Does it mean we are perfect? No. But it does mean that we are not in this battle alone, and that through Christ, we have strength, both not to sin and to get back up and follow Him after we have sinned. For our strength in this battle comes from Him!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


   I know from personal experience, sometimes it may seem as if you have failed. As if no matter how hard you try, no matter what you decide to do in life, sin is always present. It may seem as if all you are trying to do is serve the Lord, full steam ahead, but yet in something you do, you sin and feel as you have failed.
   But I have some news for you, ALL have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. This is no excuse for sin but because of Jesus, you have already been forgiven. EVEN MORE, you are more than conquerors in Christ. You have already overcome, because Jesus did.
   Even though you may sin, for we all do, I encourage you to press forward proclaiming His Name and serving His purpose! You are such a winner and more than a conqueror, for you have overcome!