Wednesday, October 31, 2012


   You may live in a neighborhood where children come to your house and ask for candy. What is the all to common phrase used when doing this? "Trick or Treat" right?
   Well I encourage you to choose the latter. Here is what I mean. The best treat that you can give? No, its not candy. Its not some random small item that you bought, its the only thing that gives true life.The Gospel of Jesus Christ!
   The Gospel is the best treat to give anyone. The saving power of the story of Christ cannot be measured against anything else in existence. Therefore I urge, no I exhort to you brothers, to do all that you can to give the best treat of all, the Gospel of Christ!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


   Have you ever seen a sniper set up in the military getting ready to take the one shot that will determine the entire battle? He thinks through all of his training, prepares his rifle, looks through his scope, and takes his breaths as he steadies for his shot.
   All of the training, all of the endurance, the finest on his rifle, everything would mean absolutely nothing if he did not do one CRITICAL thing, and that is, focus. He must be still as he takes his aim, and focus on what his goal actually is. A perfect shot on the wrong target is worse than no shot at all.
   We must also focus on our reason and goal as Christians. Our reason for living as we live is to bring Glory to the Father and our goal therefore is to proclaim His Name above every name by every aspect of our lives! Are your reason and goal focused on the Lord?

Monday, October 29, 2012

No Beside

   No matter how much debating is done between the two candidates, and no matter your belief about which one will make a better president for the next term, there is one undeniable aspect about this election. That aspect is that the president, for now, is STILL the President.
   I say that to make that point that there is nothing that can be said during this debate to change that fact that as of now, the president is still the president and has the powers that go along with that responsibility to lead this country.
   There is nothing that ANYONE can say or do that can change the fact that God is God, and unlike the president, God will be God until the end of times! Someones belief about that does not change it. He is in the Ultimate Position and there is nothing that ANYONE can do to be beside Him in anything either, not power, not magnificence, not Glory, nothing! Rejoice, for God is always God and there will never be anyone beside Him!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Quality over Quantity

   Have you ever asked someone a question and they answer you with a bunch of words that seem to have no relation to the question for five minutes straight, and at the end of those five minutes, your question is still not answered?
   Or how about you see the guy in the gym doing push- up after push- up, however, you see that none of the push- ups that they are doing seem to have correct form? If that is the case, then what then is the point of the push- ups, even if they did do one hundred straight?
   Just as in these examples, God desires quality over quantity, that is to say, God looks at the heart, not just how many churches weve attended or weekly services we went to. Yes Faith without works is dead but by no means do your works SOLELY define your Faith! Look at your heart, does it proclaim what you believe?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Test Material

   In my Chemistry class, we are basically guaranteed to have a test at least once every three weeks. Usually, that consist of two weeks of laboratory and lecture work, followed by a test week, in which everything that we have went over is vigorously tested.
   Tell me, therefore, how intelligent, or asinine as a matter of fact, would it be for me to know that there is a test in three days on the material over the past two weeks, and decide that there is no reason at all to study and prepare for the test? It would not be intelligent at all!
   If that is true, then how come we are persistent in not reading what is to prepare and guide us through life as Christians, the Word of God? That is our Ultimate Preparation for absolutely anything that life has to throw at us! I urge you, know that material for the test of this life, know the Word of God!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Lovely Treasure

   Have you ever heard, or said the phrase, you can lead a horse to water, but there is no way that you can make it drink? It may seem like a cliche to some, because it some cases it can be, however, when it comes to people, that phrase has proven true time and time again.
   What do I mean by that? I mean that, especially in the world of instant gratification, it seems as if most are only satisfied with the final result rather than the beauty in the process. For example, most new age bodybuilders dont like the basics, but will spend lots of money on "shortcuts" instead.
   In our desires, this may lead a person to lack one thing, and that is wisdom. That is, the wisdom to be successful and live the life that God wants us to live, and the wisdom to be a good father/ mother etc. Instead we seem to want things like this to happen overnight. Wisdom is often a well overlooked lovely treasure that it is a blessing to seek and find. I urge you, instead of praying for instant gratification, pray for the wisdom of the process!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

We Rejoice

   Have you ever seen the guy walking down the street with seemingly no Earthly possessions at all, no home, no car, and may not be able to contact his family at that present time, however, he seems to have a bright smile on his face?
   People, and maybe even you, have looked at that guy before and possibly wondered what exactly is making him so joyful that he can smile in the midst of all of this chaos. Well, there is one Truth that you should know, the Joy of the LORD is our strength. Because God is eternal and never changes, that Joy is non conditional and nothing may alter it or take it away.
   It is an uncommon joy that the world simply does not have, for it depends on nothing but the Father, which is ALL it needs! There is only one question, have you found this uncommon joy?

Monday, October 22, 2012

Truth vs. Belief

   There is a concept that I often here derived that is simply untrue. That concept is that because something is believed, no matter the passion of that belief, that it is therefore true.
   For example, say a little cold believes that a burning stove will cause no harm to him or her if they touch it, so that is exactly what they do. They go to the stove, believing with all of their heart that they will not get burned. However, we all know what happens next. They touch the stove and consequently get burned.
   So, that leads to the question, what is truth? Well, in terms of the purpose for this blog, Truth is everything that has been stated in the Word of God, all centered around the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Him dying on the Cross for our sins and being raised three days later! If you believe ANYTHING other than that, your belief is simply not truth. Do you believe Truth?

Friday, October 19, 2012

Yes or No

   Have you ever been to see a football game at any level of competition? You see the game happen from begging to end. From the first kickoff to the last exta point, the game finally ends in double overtime with a score of 21-20. You say its a close game between two evenly matched teams, however, there is still a clear winner.
   You see, this game was to determine who made it to the state playoffs, so ties were not an option. Either you won this game, or you lost this game. There was simply no in between. And when you describe the game to your friends, even though the game was close, you still state who the actual winner was.
   In Christianity, there is no in between of whether or not one is a Christian. One has either accepted that they have sinned and came against the Glory of God, believed that Jesus died and rose from the dead for the forgiveness of those sins, and called on Christ to be Lord of his or her life, or not. There is no middle ground. The question to ask yourself is, have you?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Rest Assured Part 2

   Two days ago, I told a story of two people shopping for groceries, giving the explanation of the aspect that they both got to choose what they wanted, what seemingly tasted good, and what was actually good for them. This was the story:
  When one goes to the grocery store, they have a few options. They could decide to get nothing at all, they could decide to pick up anything that they think looks good to consume for the week, or they could get what is actually good for them for the upcoming week.
   However, it is all the same when they go to the counter. They all must reach into wherever they store their money, and pay for the food in which they bought. However, what happens if some people were to go up to the counter and their food was already paid for?
   Now I want to talk about the aspect of the groceries being paid for. We were all in sin, disobeying the Laws set by God, and therefore, we deserved death, for the wages of sin is death. However, Christ died on a bloody Cross so that we may be forgiven for those sins and be with the Father. Therefore, on our judgement day, we may face God when it is time to pay for that disobedience, and He can say "Your debt has been paid by my One and Only Son, Christ Jesus!" How great of news is that!! Rejoice, for you have been forgiven and your debts paid!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


   2012 years ago, a bloody cross was carried to the site where it was to be put in the ground so the man carrying may be crucified. Why? Because a man, and the Son of God, named Jesus, was to die for our sins, so that all that believe in Him may have life and life eternal. They beat Him, pierced His side, and put a crown of thorns on Him to mock Him among many other torturous things.
   However, three days later, guess what... He was risen for the dead, conquering death! He did this so that all who believe in Him may have the same future, to live eternally. However, not just to live eternally, but for His purposes here on Earth. If we accept this, we are also promised to be blessed while fulfilling His Will and Word.
    We are not to live bloody, and bruised, but as champions for we are part of the Kingdom of God! Dont live looking down, but looking up, at Heaven, for through Him, you are a champion!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Rest Assured

   This is both an encouragement to the believer and a warning to the non believer. When one goes to the grocery store, they have a few options. They could decide to get nothing at all, they could decide to pick up anything that they think looks good to consume for the week, or they could get what is actually good for them for the upcoming week.
   However, it is all the same when they go to the counter. They all must reach into wherever they store their money, and pay for the food in which they bought. However, what happens if some people were to go up to the counter and their food was already paid for?
   Over the next two days, I would like to take this story from two different angles. Today's angle is the option to pick the food. One could pick what is seemingly good, or what is good for them. We also do this with our actions and beliefs. Jesus is the best for you, however, sin may seem the best to you for that moment. You have the option to chose. However, just as rotten or junk food has a bad effect on your body, sin has a bad effect on your spirit! Choose whats best FOR you, Jesus Christ!

Monday, October 15, 2012


   Have you ever been watching a football game with an incredibly intense defense? The offensive pressure is on, however there is one player on the defense that seems to keep making tackles and showing up on plays. The free safety on the defense is there on every pass, every run, everything that the opposing team tries to throw at them.
   You have probably heard, therefore, the commentator say something like, "that player is everywhere!" They start on one end of the field, but is at the other in a flash. The only way that could be better is if they were at every position on the field at once.
   Good news. The God that you server, Jesus Christ, IS at every position on the field at once. Like a Mighty Lion, He defends those He loves against anything the enemy has to bring against them. There is, in turn, absolutely no where that one may go to hide from God! That is such good news! If He finds us wherever we are, He can love, protect, and discipline us wherever we are! Praise be to God!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pressing On

   Have you ever seen the 6 foot 3 muscle head in the weight room working on his last set of weight for the day? He gets up on the bench or whatever excersize that he is doing, and he goes to lift it, but he struggles. His spotter sees this and goes to assist.
   The next thing you see is the weight almost at the top, but the lifter again struggles. He puts the weight down and tries again, needing the exact same assistance as last time. He gets the weight almost to the top, and struggles again.
   However, the third time, he finds and clings to something greater than himself, and he lifts that weight out of no where like it was nothing. How? Strength comes through pressing on, or perseverance. The trials may seem overbearing now but Joy cometh in the morning, for our help comes from the Lord, who is much greater than ourselves! Be encouraged! Press on!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

No Doubt

   There is an old Gospel song that goes like this, "Lord Im running, trying to make a hundred, for ninety nine and a half wont do". When it comes to our Faith in Christ, you are either in 100% confidence with the Word of God, or you are in 0% confidence with the Word of God, there is no in between. Out of this when can correctly derive that you are either 100% Christian or 0% Christian, there is no in between.
   What do I mean by confidence in the Word of God? It means that one must believe EVERYTHING that the Word of God says is Truth or is not. Not half way. Everything from the way the World was formed to the Cross the Jesus was crucified on.
   In turn, if one does not believe everything that the Word of God says or commands, then there is a serious problem with their Faith! Therefore, I urge you, all who read this, to fully believe, without any doubt, in every  Word that has come from the Almighty God! For in every word, is life, and life eternal!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Will Laid Aside

   Have you ever seen the child that only wants to do for himself? For example, before letting you come through the main entrance of a store, they will walk in first and not even hold the door even though you were right behind them? Or they will intentionally cut you off in traffic just because they wanted to be in that lane at that moment?
   You may think of those examples and many more like them, and may simply leave it to those peoples are selfish or something of that sort. However, another aspect is the fact that their will in that moment was the will of their own. For example, a parent's will may be for a child to have what is best for them in the long run, while the child's will is to have what is best for them now.
   Our will's are to be laid aside for the cause of Christ however as Christians! What does this mean, it means that all we do is for the glory of the father, period. Our will controls our way and our ways should be what God wants them to be. Take inventory of the little things that you do daily and ask yourself, "is my will laid aside for the cause of Christ?"

Friday, October 5, 2012

Be Blessed

   I wanted to take today's post and just encourage and remind you of why we live the lives we live. That is to say, why we live like Christ. 2012 years ago, a sinless perfect man, the Son of God in fact, died on a bloody, wooden cross. With nails in his feet and hands and his side being pierced as He hung their, wounded for our sins.
   He was beaten and bruised and bloodied beyond description. After His death, He was buried in a tomb with an incredibly large stone in front. However, three days later, He was risen from that extremely cold tomb by the God the Father, defeating death through death. Now He sits at the right hand of the Father and offers forgiveness of sin for those who come to Him.
   This is not only our Hope, but our Joy! Be encouraged that you are one that is considered saved. If you are not, then seek Jesus because a time is coming where every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord! Have a fantastic weekend!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

No Free Pass

   Two nights ago, the importance of a relationship being in priority in Christianity, as Jesus came to fulfill the Law, was discussed. We discussed how some have the impression that Christianity is just full of Laws that Christians are supposed to try and live out perfectly everyday, but in reality, a relationship with Christ Jesus is of priority, a mutual relationship with the One who Saved us from sure condemnation.
   However, there is one misinterpretation that I must address. THIS IS NOT AN EXCUSE to just live life in whatever kind of manner we want to. Jesus was in absolute perfect relation with the Father. Completely blameless in fact. However, He did not just go around do whatever He wanted to. He lived a perfect life pleasing to the Father BECAUSE of His relationship with Him.
   The relationship is what inspires practicality in living the life that Christ wants for you. Not the other way around. Our relationship makes us not want to sin, it does not give us a free pass to. Build you relationship with Him, for if you seek Him first, all other things will be added unto you.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


   For tonight, we will take another trip to the gym. This time, we are going to shadow a bodybuilder who is training for the World's Strongest Man Competition. We see them lift what is seemingly a thousand pounds a thousand times until they cannot anymore, and then they go to another excersize. However, there is one part of the workout that is just as important, if not more, than the weight lifted.
   One thing that is often overlooked is the time taken to take a break in between sets and go get water. They put down the weights momentarily and go hydrate, thinking of their next set. They give their muscles time to relax and get ready for their next test.
   As Christians, we are called to rest at times as well. This does not mean taking time away from following Christ! This does mean not to drive yourself into the ground. God never gives you more than you can bear, however you can! Growth occurs in rest, and is prepared during tests. So stay growth ready and prepared by taking some time to rest, both physically and spiritually!

Monday, October 1, 2012


   I have heard of the stories of those who think Christianity is a bunch of laws of how to live life. A law of exactly what to do and exactly when to do it. Laws to tell how and what to pray, when to take a break from eating, basically when to do anything. However, Christianity is more about a relationship.
   Let us take the example of a foreign diplomat on US soil. After he steps on US soil, he is basically exempt from US law. If he decided to drive down the street in reverse, no police officer would probably bat an eye. Why is this? Because the United States has prioritized and good relationship over the laws of the country.
   Yes, there are guidelines that we go by as Christians, but they are because of the relationship that we share with Christ, not the other way around. I also encourage all Christians to desire and prioritize having your relationship with Christ in order, as that is most important, rather than trying to fulfill all laws, for your works will never suffice. Live you life for Christ, but have a relationship most of all!