Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Creator and Fixer

When I was in the tenth grade, I was always amazed at one device, the iPod Touch. Yes, it had already been available on the market for a few years, However, this was the first time that I had owned one.
I got it from a friend of mine. He was done with it because it had broken. Therefore, he graciously let me keep it and I gladly used the broken iPod for some time. However, after a while, I realized that it was time for the iPod to be fixed.
I called places around town that claimed that they could fix it. That sounded great, however I was not really content with that. So I called Apple. The iPod was still in warranty, so it was no competition! I sent the iPod to Apple to be fixed by them. Why? Who knows something better than the one who made it?
We were created by God and made in His Image. In this life, we go through tests and trials continually for the sanctification of the saints. However, when we hit the moments where we need something to be fixed so that we may proceed, which is the point of the test, who better to fix what is broken than the One who made us in the first place, the Lord Almighty. He is the Creator of All, and He can fix all!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Good Management

   Jesus never made a promise that He could not, did not, or will not fulfill! Most say, "Well, that"s because He is Jesus, the perfect son of God!" This is true. However, if you step back from the big picture and look at some small aspects, you may see the things Jesus did in making this true.
   One of the biggest things of this ability to fulfill all He said was management. For example, I cannot tell my friend that I will meet them at the library at five o'clock in the afternoon, and then go tell my other friend that I am going to meet them to get something to eat across town at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. We are called to have management over our time, which gives us management over our promises. 
   I also cannot spend $5,000 to buy a new Rolex, and then have no money for tithes. I cannot go blow all of my money on golf clubs, and not have enough for the mandated ten percent of my tithing. If I have five dollars, I cannot give a friend ten, for I wont have it. Money is also a huge thing that we are called to manage. 
   However, God may be dealing with you on a personal level to show you what He has given you and wants you to manage better, for it is all His. Therefore, pray that God shows you things that He wants you to see so that you may become more like Him. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

To Be Free

   What does one think of when they hear the word anarchy? "a state of society without government or law" is the definition according to dictionary.com. However if you ask the common man walking down the street, they may say that anarchy is the state or no law, basically. 
   Now what do people think of when they hear the term "freedom?" Most think of a state of not being told what to do by anyone, and totally dictating their actions by their will. Then, inevitably, they equate freedom with anarchy, thinking that without law, they can obey their own will completely and only then are they truly free.
   This runs into their spiritual beliefs, and they may think that true freedom saying that they believe in Christ, but follow their own will without even seeking out the Will of God because we are free in Christ. 
   However this is simply not correct. Quite the opposite. True freedom comes from accepting Christ and trusting and obeying His Will, knowing that what He desires is for you to be free, in Him! We simply do not know what is best, but God knows the past, present, and future, and is His Will there is wisdom, and in His Wisdom, there is true freedom!

Opportunity to Share

  Let us go on another quick journey. Imagine that you are jogging down the road that you live on during a warm, perfectly breezy summer morning. You have already ran three miles and are on the last leg until you return back to your home.
   All of a sudden, you look down at the path ahead of you and on the gravel what do you see, nothing else than one hundred dollars just lying on the ground with a note attached stating, "to whoever finds this: this is yours to keep. This bill keeps on multiplying. You shall never be in need anymore. You are saved from the falling economy of this world."
   So, after you return home, you pay your tithing, and you all of your bills, for the one hundred dollars kept multiplying and you immediately went to blessing other people. You did not let that precious opportunity pass to share the wealth of that hundred bucks to bless others.
   You may be reading this saying, if I had one hundred dollars that multiplied continually, I would surely use it to do just that. Well, you have something much more. You have the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which has the power to save those from the falling of this world! If you were the one who was running, you probably would not hesitate to pick up that bill. So tell yourself, do you hesitate at the opportunity to share the Word of God?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Way Ya See It

Lets go on a hypothetical adventure. Let us say that there are two sisters that are twins. Both of them have had the same classes all of their lives and they both come home with a major English assignment due the next day.
   They get home, eat dinner , and talk with their family about the day. Both are not the happiest at the fact that they have a lot of work to do to finish their respective assignments. However, the difference is that one sister does not complain about the assignment, but is eager to start so that she may finish it proficiently and efficiently. The other sister, on the other hand, only complained about having to do it, stating that it was pointless and was very hesitant to even start the project.
   The difference did not lie in the appearance of these two twin sister, or in the assignment that they were given, it lied in the outlook. One sister realized that it had to be completed, so there was no need to waste time complaining.
   As Christians, we know that Christ is King ans Lord and His Will is the Supreme Will of the Land, so when we have our assignments, whether the Universal assignment of making disciples of all nations, or the individual assignments He gives us, we realize that He is Lord and He knows All! Its about Outlook. How you see Jesus and His commands. That is what seperates!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

   So, you are at church on a given Sunday morning, attending service, and you are happily moving your body as your soul rejoices the the five songs played by the worship band that morning. From the strike of the first chord until the holding out of the last note, your spirit simply is fully locked on to the Love of God and the Desire to Worship Him!
   Therefore, you attend the evening service at your respective church, and you experience God in a mighty way through the songs played that night as well. At the end of that Sunday, you feel as that music that glorified God and inspired you to sing along has truly changed your attitude on life and following the Life of Christ.
   Yet, when you get into your car, on comes whatever is on the radio. And along with that, on comes whatever the song is glorifying, because everything glorifies something! And, because of the pure sound of the music, you feel the inspiration to start moving your body again.
   On Sunday morning however, your body, spirit, and the songs glorified God. In your car, however, they glorified whatever the song was. Its time to glorify only the Father. I encourage you, watch what you are taking in and what you are living out, for God isnt only for Sunday morning!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Being Watched

   The most important part of leading is surely the watching. We can say absolutely anything that we want to. We could say not to do this and that and even state good reason. But is that what we ourselves live?
   Telling people about the excellence, love, power, and forgiveness of Christ is an absolute calling as Christians and followers of Jesus Christ! However, Jesus was surely not just talk. And listening to Him is surely not all that the disciples did.  The watched His every move! They watched His responses, and listened to His words.
   People watch your actions! Our job is not only to tell about Jesus, but to BE like Him! In our actions and our words! People are watching, so show them Jesus!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Not Wasting the Time

   As one can imagine, there are classes that students take just so that they fill the educational requirements to graduate college. Not to criticize the state of education of South Carolina, but there was a class that I was required to take during my sophomore year of high school entitled Composition and Research. Every day I would witness some students falling asleep for most of the class period and pass the class. Partially because most of the time, we would finish the elementary work fairly quickly. Now it is up to you to decide how well this class consumed our time.   However, if you are one that believes that 90 minutes of the day were wasted in that class, how much more then would you agree that we waste our time and energy daily by not following the Will of the Lord? How much time or heart daily do we put in discipleship, in seeking the Father, in Spreading His Word, in Obeying His Commands? I urge you, our time is not guaranteed in this life! Don't waste the life that you are given!

Friday, April 12, 2013


   Did you know that in Chemistry, some reactions cannot occur with water? They are called spectator ions, and sodium is a specific one. When you add sodium with water, it is a spectator, it does not react, for it is part of a strong base (sodium hydroxide). The interesting part is, although sure sodium dissolves in water, it does not react, no matter the temperature or pressure or any colligative property.
   God absolutely cannot, no matter the circumstance, sin. Also, sin, no matter what, can be in the Presence of the Lord. No matter the time of day, the weather outside, or your sin, God Himself will not and cannot ever sin against His Word! Why is this important, because that means that you serve a God that is not only Great, Mighty, and All Powerful, but He is also Perfect! You serve a Perfect God!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Disciples Discipline

   Being a disciple took a lot. Imagine having the privilege of getting to follow Jesus wherever He went, watching His every move and response to every situation encountered in life, so that you may have the Wisdom to derive a Holy and Acceptable response to every situation in your life, that must have been amazing!
   Wait! Are we not supposed to be disciples of Christ?
   Then we should develop the discipline it takes to stay in the Word of the Lord, (the Bible), and in Prayer and personal time with the Father, always drawing closer to Him. The point is however, this does not just happen. You do not just wake up one morning with the Discipline to continually seek the Father. It takes pushing those personal boundaries that keep us apathetic, and pushing to come to God daily, to develop the Discipline that it takes to be a True Disciple.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

New Life

   Have you ever heard of the story of someone "escaping" death? They were on the death bed and for a matter of time, they were biologically dead? Maybe their neurons stopped working momentarily or their heart temporarily stopped pumping. However, a few seconds or minutes later, they come back to biologically
   We were fully dead in our sin and HE brought us back to life. We were numb to the things of God, but because He died on the Cross, we are given the chance to come to Him and Ultimately to the Father in the end through His forgiveness with an entirely new life in Christ! If you have accepted Christ, you have been justified and now are being sanctified daily to become like Him, for He is New Life!

Monday, April 8, 2013

All Along

   Have you ever watched a movie about a SuperHero about to engage in battle? Tell me, what can you infer? You probably,without even thinking about it, infer that the good guy is going to win. And in most movies and shows, the plot allows for the good guy to end up winning against the bad ones.
   Guess what, in the way that things have been set up by the Almighty God, He is victorious in the end, which means that WE are also victorious if we are in Him and his child. This is good news. That means that when it seems as we are losing this battle in life against sin, ALL ALONG we have already gotten the Victory, for Christ is victorious! Be encouraged, for ever since the beggining, God has already won the war!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Living Out Loud

   In chorus, my teacher would always say," When you sing, sing out loud and with confidence. If you were to mess up, mess up loud and with confidence, at least for practice". So that is what we did. We sang confidently and loud, even when we were wrong.
   I am not saying to go out and sin loudly, but I am saying live the Gospel loudly with confidence, since it is what you truly believe. If you were, or better yet when, you mess up, be confident in the fact that you have already been forgiven through Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour. So live the Gospel out loud, with confidence, knowing that you have been forgiven!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Not Worried

 I want to bring your attention to the scripture in Philipians 4.6 that states" Be anxious for nothing...", to be anxious, or worried specifically about the future, for nothing. For even though the things that God has called us to do may not be in our comfort zone, which most of the time it is not, or even though we feel as we may not be able to do it, or that we are in it alone, the Word of the True and Living God tells us not to be anxious, but to may make our request known to God.
   Remember that God is ALWAYS with you, no matter where you go. When He sends you out of your comfort zone, He is still right there beside you! Do not be afraid of the tasks that Lord has set before you, because He is always there as well!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Full Time Duty

  I am in the Pre Pharmacy program at my college. Therefore, some would consider me an aspiring pharmacist. But I am a minister, full time all of the time. Christians, we are all called to the same thing, all of us are all full time ministers. In every way, we are supposed to show and share Christ.
   Some would say well wont you do pharmacy? And the answer is yes. The problem is though, what I do does not define who I am. I repeat, what I do is not who I am. Who I am is defined by Christ and what I do will then fall in line with His Will.
   Once we understand that actions do not define our identity, but nearly a derivative of our identity that has been given to each one of us individually by our Creator, Christ. So let us not think that our actions or the actions of others define who we are, but let who we are dictate our actions!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Fruit after Yourself

   Healthy things make healthy things. Fruit bears after itself. The seed of an apple has the ability to produce another entire apple tree. The seeds of a pumpkin can easily produce another healthy pumpkin to add to a beautiful pumpkin patch.
   As Christians it is true that we are called to share the Gospel and the Love of Christ to those who have not accepted Jesus as the Lord of their life. As Jesus came to seek and to save what was lost. So lets think of another aspect.
   If fruit produces itself, then is it not important that we continually help to grow and to nourish ourselves and other Christians so that when we do produce (sharing the Gospel with those who do not yet belong to Christ), we produce others that go out to follow Christ for themselves healthily.
   H.O.P.E. Ministries strives to teach others how to make others that seek Christ. It is not an easy task for anyone and it requires diligence from the one producing the fruit. So I challenge you, grow and nourish your fruit, and bear it, in the image of Christ!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Of First Importance

  In the class of Calculus, everything is built on what is learned before it. For example, to integrate using substitution, you must first learn how to take the derivative of a function. And to learn how to take a derivative of a function, you must learn what a function is. To understand a function, you must understand the concept of x and at it to the concept of adding and subtracting. Therefore while it is great to be able to discuss integration by substitution, it would be lost without addition and subtraction.
   That is the seasoned Christian. It seems as some graduate if you will from the Cross and the Gospel. But this is our Salvation. And it does not matter how much scholarly information you can swallow about Religion, if you dont have the relationship from the Cross of Calvary, you really dont have what is first and foremost, and that is Christ dying for our sins.