Thursday, March 29, 2012

Not Just Friends

   Image with me that you are friends with someone who is an absolute war hero and he is telling you his story of how he earned that title. He starts off by setting up the story in some far away land that no one knew the country was even in and as he is preparing for battle, no one believed that his fighting would even make a difference.
   He was a stringy, weaker fellow, at least physically. In fact, he was the smallest one on the mission and he barely passed the fitness test to be on the elite team of soldiers. So they go into this uncharted land and engage battle with a rebel group of natives there. A surprise to everyone, the rebels were surprisingly strong and overtook most of the army. So much so that most of the soldiers were injured, and the soldier telling the story actually defeated the rebels single- handedly and saved all of his fellow soldiers while he was at it.
   How would you regard this man, as a friend sure, but would you now not see him as something a little more? Jesus died so that the world would have a chance to come to the Father. He and He alone died on the cross for our sins and saved us from the eternal damnation of that sin. Yes, Jesus does call us friend. Yet, when we go to Him, we should realize that He is the Mighty and Majestic King who's Blood never loses its Power! He is our friend, yes! But He is also Lord!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Not Just on Sunday Morning

   So, you are at church on a given Sunday morning, attending service, and you are happily moving your body as your soul rejoices the the five songs played by the worship band that morning. From the strike of the first chord until the holding out of the last note, your spirit simply is fully locked on to the Love of God and the Desire to Worship Him!
   Therefore, you attend the evening service at your respective church, and you experience God in a mighty way through the songs played that night as well. At the end of that Sunday, you feel as that music that glorified God and inspired you to sing along has truly changed your attitude on life and following the Life of Christ.
   Yet, when you get into your car, on comes whatever is on the radio. And along with that, on comes whatever the song is glorifying, because everything glorifies something! And, because of the pure sound of the music, you feel the inspiration to start moving your body again.
   On Sunday morning however, your body, spirit, and the songs glorified God. In your car, however, they glorified whatever the song was. I encourage you all, examine what is taken into your spirits throughout the week, whether that be music or television or whatever, for those things do matter and do show what you truly worship!

Monday, March 26, 2012


   My mother and I have been more than just mother and son, but friends for years! We laugh and joke, etc. We would both agree that our communication is at a great mutual state.
   However, just because my mother birthed me, I would not expect or even ask my mother to read my thoughts as we communicate. I do not just go up to her and look and expect her to respond to whatever I am thinking at whatever given time. Even if she could read my every thought so I would not have to say anything to communicate, out of want and respect for mutual communication, I would still use my words.
   God is more than just a king but Jesus also calls me friend! I tell him all about my day, and I strive to improve my communication towards Him for I get what I give. However, just because God created all of us, our entire species, I do not just go about my day and expect God to read my heart and mind. He does, true, but out of want and respect for mutual communication, I pray.
   Prayer is our communication with God. God speaks back to us through His Word, others, and other means seen fit in His eyes. But prayer is absolutely necessary in our longing for communication with the Almighty God! He always listens!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Go Forth

   Matthew 28,19b “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
   In this verse Jesus is saying go and make disciples. As brilliantly illustrated by a pastor here in Spartanburg, you could probably bring a second in to read this verse and they make get tripped up on what exactly a disciple is, but that can tell you what the word "go" means!
   Making disciples does not happen by sitting down in your room at your house waiting for someone to knock on your door so you can share Jesus with them. It does not mean that you hesitate before you engage in things that do not please God with those that you call "friends." No, it means that you are to look for opportunities to make disciples, teaching others to obey everything that Jesus has commanded you. Teaching others to OBEY! To go and to Teach are both verbs that in this sense requires one to seek the opportunities to do so! So, GO forth and make disciples, TEACHING them to obey all that Jesus has commanded you! LOOK for the opportunities!


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Not to Worry

Philippians 4.6- Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
   In the previous post, we looked at how doing the right thing, whether physically or spiritually, does not always feel good or exciting as we are doing that work. Yes, the result are always in a positive direction, however the path does not always feel that way. 
   However, I want to bring your attention to the scripture stated above, to be anxious, or worried specifically about the future, for nothing. For even though the things that God has called us to do may not be in our comfort zone, which most of the time it is not, or even though we feel as we may not be able to do it, or that we are in it alone, the Word of the True and Living God tells us not to be anxious, but to may make our request known to God.
   Remember that God is ALWAYS with you, no matter where you go. When He sends you out of your comfort zone, He is still right there beside you! Do not be afraid of the tasks that Lord has set before you, because He is always there as well!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Doesn't Always Feel Good

   Do your remember when you first were taken to the Doctor's Office to receive your influenza shot? Do you remember as you were put in the car and told that everything was going to be just fine and you were even excited to get to go to the "Doctor's Office?"
   Yet when the doctor sat you down and got out the needle, everything became clear in your mind. This person that you didn't even know was going to stick a needle with a sharp point into your skin and give you this shot. Perhaps you were debonair as you sat, but most of us became somewhat afraid at that thought.
   So you braced yourself and took the shot, and for some, it did not feel good. Although it was by no means the worst pain in the world, for some it did sting and hurt a little. However, your parents knew that this shot did much more good than it did harm as it protected your body against influenza, even though it did so by exposing your body to it.
   The point is, not all things that are good for you seem good to you, whether that be with body or spirit. For example, running five miles isn't the best feeling in the world for most. However it is great for the body. When it comes to serving Christ whole heatedly, you may be mocked, or have to step out of your  personal comfort zone, but it is for the good of drawing you closer to Christ and in the sanctification, that is becoming more like Christ! In that case, every bit of the discomfort is worth it!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Opportunity

   Let us go on a quick journey. Imagine that you are jogging down the road that you live on during a warm, perfectly breezy summer morning. You have already ran three miles and are on the last leg until you return back to your home.
   All of a sudden, you look down at the path ahead of you and on the gravel what do you see, nothing else than one hundred dollars just lying on the ground with a note attached stating, "to whoever finds this: this is yours to keep. This bill keeps on multiplying. You shall never be in need anymore. You are saved from the falling economy of this world."
   So, after you return home, you pay your tithing, and you all of your bills, for the one hundred dollars kept multiplying and you immediately went to blessing other people. You did not let that precious opportunity pass to share the wealth of that hundred bucks to bless others.
   You may be reading this saying, if I had one hundred dollars that multiplied continually, I would surely use it to do just that. Well, you have something much more. You have the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which has the power to save those from the falling of this world! If you were the one who was running, you probably would not hesitate to pick up that bill. So tell yourself, do you hesitate at the opportunity to share the Word of God?

Monday, March 19, 2012

Always Looking Ahead

   If you have followed this blog for some time now, you know that I have already explained the significance of this image. However, just in the case that someone forgot or has not followed the blog for that long, I will explain again. The Fedex logo, as highlighted in this image, actually has an arrow pointed to the right, the forward direction, hidden between the "e" and the "x."
   Most believe this is to symbolize that the company always keeps the goal that they are moving forward, whether that be in deliveries, company synergy, or whatever. I mention this logo because the men from the Hope Ministries of the Upstate Program are graduating today, Tuesday, March 20, 2012. To those men and to all of the readers of the blog today I have but this to say," Remember in Christ, as we seek Sanctification, that is the becoming like Christ, and we grow in Him, there is truly only one direction, and that is FORWARD!" 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

"You can't change the weather..."

"You can't change the weather, but you can change your clothing"
   Its 80 degrees outside, and you did not check the weather the night before. You go outside and think that because it is February, you should not have that kind of weather, so you get dressed in a sweater and pants ready to take on the day.
   So as you walk outside and realize that it is 80 degrees, you, for a quick second, wish that because it was still technically winter, the weather would be suitable for what you had on. However, you realize that going from 80 to 40, although possible by God, was probably not going to happen. So what did you do? You went inside and changed your clothing to fit the current weather conditions. Your outlook on what you were wearing in relation to the weather changed because of the conditions outside.
   As Christians, even though a situation or condition in our life may not look as we would like it to, we are supposed to have a Holy outlook, one separate from the world. We are supposed to see things as the Providence of God for the good of those who loved Him called according to His purpose for the Glory of the Father! I challenge you to analyze how you see things. Do they match up with the Word of God? Worldview: It's what keeps our hearts pure and our heads held high knowing that God is in control and everything was created by and belongs to Him!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Trust in Him

   I remember in the ninth grade, as being a part of the chorus program, I took advantage of the opportunity to travel to Williamsburg, Virginia to Busch Garden Amusement Park as part of a choral festival. It was quite the festival, with a medieval theme.
   However, the part of the trip that I would like to focus on is the voyage there and back, on the bus. There were plenty of us on the bus, some of which had traveled this path of highway before and some, like me, that had not. So I had no idea exactly how I was going to reach my destination but there is one thing that I did know, that my total trust was in the bus driver to get us all there on time, safely, and at the exact destination desired.
   The same goes for the way back home. I do not know all of the roads that we took to return home, but I did know that I had just as much trust that the bus driver knew exactly where he was going and that he would get us home safely, which he did.
   How much more then shall my trust be in the Lord that he will guide my life safely and effectively exactly  where He wants it to be? I do not know all of the roads that He will lead me down, however I do trust the driver completely that He will guide me to the destination. Let our prayer be to have complete trust that the driver knows the route!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What is Right

   Imagine that I had acquired a really close friend in elementary school and we vowed to be close friends until the end of our days. In elementary school, we would do mostly everything together from lunch to the playground to homework, as inseparable buddies.
   However in high school, we still were as close as we were in elementary school, but my friend developed cancer. It was completely unexpected for him and his entire family. Just last year, your friend seemed perfectly healthy and fine, and this year he must go through the physical and psychological stress of this disease.
   The doctors of course say that there is absolutely no cure for this disease. However, you have a cure for this disease that would heal him and you carry it with you everywhere. But you are scared to give it to him because you think that he may not think that it would save his life, so the fear completely prohibits you and you say nothing. Is that fair? Is that love?
   Well if we say that we desire to love people the way that God loves us, why are we afraid to go out and make disciples as we are instructed in the Great Commission? Giving others the life saving message of the Gospel? This is the exact same concept! If we love others, we will let them know about the only true life saving medicine, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that He died for our sins, and through Him, we may dwell with the Father forever!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Till the End

   Every time that I go out for a two mile run, I try to increase my pace at a rate of at least 30 seconds. Of course, even under optimal conditions, this can only happen so many times before a cap is reached and it is not possible for me to go any faster.
   However, at around the one and a half mile mark, since I am going at my fastest rate trying the beat the time acquired before, my body starts to feel the run  if you will. As in, it starts to become increasingly to run with excellence and proper technique. Yet, my focus must be on one thing, finishing the race.
   My mother walks or does some form of work out daily. That is, more than me, every day she is committed to finishing some type of routine. However, my mother does not really run, and if we were to race, I am pretty sure that it would be a disaster waiting to happen. Nevertheless, we both finish our routines every time that we start them. So tell me, whose routine is better or more important?
   No ones. The goal is not how fast we go, but that we finish! That being said, to finish, no matter the pace, requires perseverance. This is so for the Christian Race as well. No matter the speed, it requires a continual progression forward and the perseverance to finish in the end! For at the end is the greatest prize of all, the Father! So continue to keep moving forward, till the end!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Not Wasted

   I still remember one time earlier this year when I went out for an early run as part of an extreme health craze phase that I was going through, and when I finished the run, I came in the house, sat down, and ate doughnuts. No, you have not made a mistake in your reading and no, I did not make a typo, I did say doughnuts.
   With the original intention to make my heart and body stronger, I went out for a two mile run and ran a fairly good pace, and ruined it all as soon as I arrived at my house again. Instead of drinking water and maybe a salty small snack of some sort, I indulged myself in the sweet goodness of doughnuts and abolished all that I had worked for in that run.
   Wasted time is critical, for time cannot be bought. God is provident over how much time that we have on this earth. Therefore, we should not waste it in our everyday lives. Instead, we should do things that plant seeds and lasts for eternity, instead of wasting it with things detrimental to your Faith.
   The things done through Christ shall last forever, and only those things. When we show His Love, proclaim His Name, worship His Majesty, those things last forever! Lets strive for our time not to be wasted!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Only Justification

   A little over two years ago, I earned the money to attend driver's education class. It was an 8 hour long day and six hours worth of driving over three days. However every penny was worth it, because at the age of fifteen, I had earned the privilege to try for a South Carolina Drivers Licence.
   I tried for my licence nervously and I was able to acquire it. Yes, there was the feeling of joy that came from growing up and being able to say that according to the State of South Carolina, I am competent in my driving. Although, the main feeling that I had was a sense of security in the confidence knowing that if at all I was question by someone in authority while I was on the road, I had been justified to drive.
   Neither my personality, my grades, my beliefs even justify me on the road when it comes to a police officer, only my drivers licence. When it comes to God the Father, neither your personality, what others think of you, your grades, etc. are justification, but only Christ Jesus! Your belief and acceptance of Christ is the only thing that justifies you before the Father, for your works alone perish without Christ, and so will you. it is imperative that one has the justification that Christ offered us on the Cross when He died for our sins, for He is the Only Way!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Its Like This

   Imagine for a second that you were a dirty, wretched criminal who was just released out of prison on bail. You decide that this is the life that you would live forever and so you go out and look for someone else to be your next victim in crime.
   You go to a peaceful man who has done absolutely no wrong to you or anyone else. You see that physical he has small stature, so you decide to beat him and rob him for all that he has. So that is exactly what you do. You and some of your friends go and beat this man so terribly to where he dies. Dies. However, the judge lets a jury decide your sentence and they find you innocent on the count that this man claimed to be this great king.
   However, three days later, you see this man, along with everyone else, alive and going to be on his throne to judge all who persecuted him. You see, he was a king and always did have the final say. But miraculously, you gave you and everyone else an option. He said that if you believed that he rose and admit that you went against him and ask for his forgiveness, you would be forgiven. However, if you did not, you would have an eternal price to pay.
   Guess what, this story did happen, just not with these exact details. Jesus was, is, and always will be King and He does give all of us that Glorious option of Salvation through the Gospel! Christ did die and was risen from the dead three days later so that those that accept Him may come to the Father at the end for eternity! This is Salvation! This is the Gospel!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Bulls Eye

   Every one of us has that one friend that we can tell almost anything to and talk for seemingly days about nothing with. We can sit with them and chat and laugh for hours. So at times when this friend tells you something serious or of importance to some degree, it can still be hard to keep that conversation focused on the subject at hand.
   For example, one time I wanted to have a sleepover at my friends house and he told me that he would ask his mother of the matter. It turns out that he asked her and she told him yes. However, when he came to tell me the news that I could come over his house for the weekend, he started the conversation with telling me that and the conversation ended up with the subject being the Honda factory. The only problem: I forgot what he said his mother's answer to the sleepover was.
   Sometimes we have the tendency to do that in the Christian race, to get distracted from what are non- negotiable of our Faith and focus on things of lesser importance. It is dire to remember that Christ died for our sins, for this is the Gospel, and we are to focus on that Grace daily so that we may share His Gospel, Truth, Grace, and Love daily and grow in Him in every area of our lives!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Never to Judge

   Let us take an adventure. Imagine that we just finished getting off of a plane and we are now at a new city that we do not really know. So we decide to take a stroll of the town and absorb the atmosphere of the city, to learn the culture and people.
   The first person we see is a man in a nice suit, and we check our pockets and realize that we have absolutely no money. So we ask the businessman if we could have just a minute amount of money to get through the day. He tells you that he has absolutely no money and gives you the impression that he does not make a lot of money from whatever job that he has.
   Then you see a man that has ripped jeans, an old faded t- shirt, and hair that has not been trimmed in what seems to be months. You walk right pass him and ask him for nothing, although you find our later that he is the richest and most generous man in the entire town!
   A fatal mistake as Christians that we can make is to judge people solely on their appearance, especially for the worse. Imagine how many more opportunities we would have to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ if we would never let our judgement get in the way? I challenge you monitor yourself this week to avoid unfair judgement, in the hopes that you may better spread the Hope and Love of Jesus Christ!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Pushing Out

   When I enrolled into school my freshman year, I decided that I would go and try out for the football team. I had no idea why I was trying out for the team, and when I started, I was not sure if I wanted to continue in the tryouts. However I did try out and make the team and because I did, I had to be enrolled of the sports version of the PE class.
   In this PE class, students from all different school sports would meet together for a little less than 90 minutes per day and run together and lift weights and do drills according to their particular sport. The main thing that we did, however, was run. In fact, weekly, we would be required to run a mile, timed.
   Before this class, I had never ran a mile without stopping before. However, I loved sprinting so I thought that the concept would be the same and therefore the mile would be a piece of cake. However, I found out quickly that the mile was new to me and it was not in my comfort zone to run it because at first, it was not an easy thing to do.
   However, once I broke that comfort zone initially in PE class, I realized that over time the mile got easier and easier and now saying that I am going to run a mile is almost a joke. But i would have never thought that if I did not initially break that comfort zone.
   As a Christian, can you think of any way that your comfort zone has been broken lately? If so, can you think of another way to stretch past that? If not, can you think of a way to push out of your comfort zone? Being in Christ is all about continual growth! So, how have you grow out of your comfort zone lately? Or have you?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Teaching To Follow

   When I attended elementary school, I gratefully earned all A's during those six years. Now I see how minute of an accomplishment this really is. However, it did help me to realize something of dire importance that I still think of to this day.
   In elementary and middle school, I attained all A's because in every class, I learned the material acquainted with that subject and that class. The teacher taught me what I needed to know for my homework, assignments, and tests and then test my knowledge. I was able to regurgitate the data given to me and pass all of my assignments. However, what I learned in the future was that, much more valuable than the curriculum that they taught me, was that I actually learned how to learn. I needed to learn how to study and learn how to attain knowledge than the exact curriculum that the specific teacher taught.
   The teachings of Jesus are absolutely necessary and quite marvelous! However, when we spread Jesus to others, it is of more importance to teach others how to follow Jesus for themselves and obey His Word, instead of just giving the commands of His Teachings legalistically. If they seek Jesus for themselves and learn how to follow Him, the universal benefits of that True Relationship are endless and necessary!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

By It's Fruit

   So you are at a tour of an apple farm in South Carolina. Yes, let us take another adventure, shall we. You arrive on the farm very anxious to take pictures and learn new things about apples, their products, and where they are farmed.
   The first stop that you make is an average apple tree. You look at the tree and the tree itself seems pretty normal, however you notice one major thing that you may not even pay close attention to, but take it for granted. The apple tree that you are gazing at does not grow oranges! That tree also does not grow peaches or pears!
   You could tell what kind of tree it was by the fruit that it produced. Guess what, the same applies to us believers in Jesus Christ! The fruit that we produce shows who we belong to, follow, and believe in.
   I am not saying that our worlds save us, for that is not true, we are saved only because Christ died on a cross for our sins, however, if we have been saved, then our fruits will surely show it. That goes for everything that we do. In our friendships, relationships, giving, encouraging, conversations, athletics, time management, Christ will be shown in all of these fruits because we produce after Him. So tell me, what tree does your fruits suggest?