Monday, June 10, 2013


  Have you ever had the greatest intention of sharing Christ with everyone around you? You start your day with the mindset of sharing Christ. You do this by intention NOT avoiding anyone so that you may potentially talk to them about Christ.
   In the intentionality of not avoiding people, you realize that you actually haven't shared Christ with anyone that day, because you haven't talked to anyone that day. Let me explain. It takes more than NOT avoiding people, but we are to be intentional with others so that we may share Christ with others by letting them see Christ in our lives. But how can they see Christ in our lives if they cant see our lives? And how can they see our lives if we are intentional about showing it? We are to connect to share Christ!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Lacking in Nothing

   Have you ever seen someone who seemed to just have everything? Anything that someone could think of, they had. Money, food, easily provided anything needed for their family, always. You may even equate this to a king in his palace. A good king, a true king, is not measured by what he has, but by the quality of life of his people. 
   If the kings people are living in shambles and of a poor quality of life, that king is not truly considered a good king. However, their were kings that provided well for their kingdom and were considered amazing kings. Now if they can provide for their people on earth, the True King can surely provide for His People!
   Jesus is the True King and lacks in absolutely nothing. He takes great care of His Own and makes all things work for their good, if they love Him and are called according to His Purpose. Do you know that King? The True King? His Kingdom is forever and He lacks in nothing

Monday, June 3, 2013

Two Summer's Ago

   Two summers ago, as I attended a summer camp in Cleveland Tennessee entitled Student Life Camp, one of the most impactful moments was not necessarily during worship, it was not during a teaching, and it was not even during a game, but it was after all of those things when we were walking to lunch.
   You see, a day before, we had a day at SL entitled water day. This day, during our game time, we literally played in big tubs of water, along with hoses, wet sponges, etc. And afterward, we all got together as a team (SL had four teams) and we would talk, share, and pray.
   After all of that was done, one man asked me for my name. I gladly gave him my name and to his not thinking too much about it, thinking that with all of the people that went to SL Camp, there is no way that he would remember my name anyways, but it was very nice of him to ask for it.
   The very next day during recreational time, we played another game and afterward we huddle to talk, share, and pray. After this was completed, he called me by name. He remembered my name.
   That moment still sticks to me to this day. Sometimes the smallest things with the most compassion have the most impact! Think of the little things today, see the trees and the forest as a whole, and do something small that could possibly make a big impact in someone elses life!