Sunday, November 27, 2011


   Have you ever had a friend, or maybe this is you yourself, who is or was a complete blabber mouth? Have you ever known that person who could never keep their mouth shut about anything? Its one thing to have something to say about everything and what is said is meaningful and has eternal impact or meaning, but I am referring to when someone always has something to say and what they are saying has seemingly no meaning at all.
   Well let us use that person for this example. What if one day, you and that person were at some social event, and that person said absolutely nothing to entire time while on the way to the event. In fact, the entire ride there, the only thing that was heard in the car was music. You two arrive at the event. You are greeted by the host of the event and you start socializing with others. Your friend socializes but keeps his words very light. On the way home, your friend says absolutely nothing until you turn down his street to drop him off. All he says was that the social was great and he thanks you for the transportation.
   Even though what he said was not that spectacular, you will probably always remember it. It was simple, but its background was pure. The point is, sometimes if you keep humble and quiet, when you do finally speak, what you say has impact and power more so than if you were to simply babble all of the time. So be humble, think, and have impact in your speech and influence to better reach others in spreading the Gospel

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