Monday, December 17, 2012

Back to Him

   Let us face the obvious elephant in the room. a few days ago, in Connecticut, there was a horrible tragedy in which a man entered an establishment meant for education and opened fire on the principal, other staff members, and students as well.
   So now leaves the aftermath, the feelings, the effects, the opinions of all of those who have survived, both that were there and those that were not. There comes the obvious questions that tend to be thrown on Christians, "Can you explain why this happened? How could a good God allow for this to happen?"
   Here is a response. Did God guide the hand of the man as he shot those children and faculty at the school? NO. However, can God use tragedies like this to bring us as a community and a nation to bring us closer to Him? ABSOLUTELY. God can use this for us to realize that our hope cannot lie within ourselves, but God alone and only Him, is where our hope and trust should truly lie.
   So I urge you to make sure your Hope and Trust are where they should lie! For in God is the only place the suffices!

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