Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Virtue

   Those who say that they want to be like Christ CAN NOT lack one thing: and that is patience. You may read that sentence and think that you have heard this all before and want close the blog, but I urge you to continue reading.
   To be like Christ, you must be like the One who is the "Prince of Peace." Here is a simple but profound statement that you may not have heard before, peace is non existent without patience. Whenever peace is around, patience is somewhere in the midst.
   Jesus had disciples that had the great passion and will to follow Him. However, they were by NO means perfect, therefore, to sanctify them, Jesus had to have patience. It takes patience to both lead others to Christ, to be and example of His, and to grow in Christ yourself.
   Monitor your patience towards others this week and remember, to be like Christ, patience is something that you MUST have.

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