Monday, September 24, 2012


   There are two males who grew up together practically side by side. They ate together, played together, learned together, and even got into trouble, together. How was all of this so possible? They were twins brothers. They looked alike, at least on the outside, all of their lives.
   They had the same smile, same hair, same face, everything. Most people that did not know their personalities would have no chance at guessing which one of the brothers was which. However, there was one MAJOR difference. One believe whole heartily in Jesus Christ and everything He taught and stood for, while the other did not.
   So, that leads to the question, "What is one thing that separates us (Christians) from the rest of the world?" The answer: outlook. One of the brothers took the Bible for what it actually said, while the other just saw it as a task and long set of rules. One took Jesus for who He said that He was, while with the other, it fell on deaf ears. So my question to you is, what is your outlook? Not just on the Word of God, but what it implies about life in general? If it does not line up with God's Word, then maybe it needs to change.

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