Wednesday, July 20, 2011

High Level Security

   I think one of the most overlooked things as a teenager in modern times is the guarding of our hearts. Well start with the obvious, dating. I am by no means against dating or having a girlfriend, but this is only the case if we guard our hearts in the relationship. Looking for the wrong things in the end, not seeking accountability, not being honest, moving entirely too fast are all examples of not guarding the heart in the dating relationship. But lets look at some other common ways in which we dont truly guard our heats daily. Television. What we let into our eyes, hearts, and minds through television can either help us grow or poison us with false gospels such as drugs, sex, money, pride, violence and all other things that are the exact opposite of what Jesus taught on the television. Texting. Why are we so soft in our filters of what we text? It is not Godly to text about things that lead us to immorality. We tend to use the excuse of it just being a text message and no physical harm done, but that is not so. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. I dont know about you, but I have yet to meet someone who could text without considering the words that they were typing first. One may say they do not mean it, but what they say and text are truly what is in their hearts, whether they want to believe it or not. Conversation. Casual conversation, no matter the location, mean alot. Lets take school for an example. We may want so badly the approval of others that we join, or even worse, start, an inappropriate, ungodly conversation that we no our parents would never approve of. All of these things can corrupt our heart if we do not guard it. How do we do that? Honor all of our relationships, whether that be a friendship or a dating relationship. Be careful of what we view on television. Shows that preach a false gospel will corrupt your mind and heart, whether you want it to or not. Guard heavily our texting and conversation. Think about each word before we say it, using encouragement instead of detrimental put downs. Guard your sexuality. Flee from homosexuality, pornography, and lust. All of these things destroy the heart dramatically. Bottom Line: WITH EVERYTHING: Guard your heart. -AJ

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