Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Limited Time

   One of the most important aspects of high school is learning to manage our time effectively. In this economy, most of us teenagers have to work, along with church, school, etc. Managing time becomes extremely important when we factor in that we are not guaranteed another second. We are called, as disciples of Christ, to spread the Gospel to all nations. We need to love our family, spend time with our friends, read the Word of God, study our schoolwork, playing music or sports, eat, sleep, entertainment, etc. So we need to manage this proficiently so that we do not run ourselves into the ground. Managing our time in an orderly fashion is only done by having the correct priorities in our life! God comes first, then family, then friends and school, etc. We like to just look for things and do them to satisfy our time, but that is not necessarily what is wise. We should prioritize in a way that our relationship with God and our family are both satisfied indefinitely. Then we have the time for our friends. And by the way, when we talk about spending time with other people, friends, family etc... FACEBOOK is not the only way to socialize. You would not facebook chat with a boss to ask for a job, we need to take time to talk to other people face to face and really take the time and connect with others. As teenagers, we do everything in our power at times to try and shy away from spending time with people face to face. We text, chat, facebook, etc. Lets connect with people. Taking that extra time and effort would definately help when it comes to spreading the Gospel of Jesus as well. Prioritize your time. Spend it with God, and get to know people. In this, we will love others like never before. -AJ

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