Sunday, February 19, 2012


   Have you ever heard of the term "second hand smoking?" I am sure that most of you have and most of you know that one can still attain lung cancer and all of the possible effects from second hand smoking as one would picking a cigarette up themselves and going to town.
   However the concept is still foreign to most, the concept of being around something dangerous having a negative effect on you. I've heard some say, "I am not the one who is smoking, so what is the point of avoiding second hand smoke? They are smoking not me."
   Yet some of those who live by that philosophy end up with things like lung cancer and such and find out that it was because of second hand smoking. Spiritually, the concept of second hand harm, if you will, does apply.
   This means that we much watch what we let into our spirits, the music that we listen to, the television shows that we watch, the conversations that we have, they all have effects on us, whether positive or negative. We must surround ourselves with the things of God so that the second hand effects are Godly things. Monitor your surroundings so that you will be surrounding by things that God would approve of!

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