Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Calculus and the Gospel

   Starting in the first grade when we first learned how to add and subtract, we never thought that we would actually have to use this stuff when we grew up. I know that I never did. I always as some would put it, would be smart enough just for the test. I would study or look over my addition and subtraction a day before test day to make sure I knew it for tomorrow, and that was all that I did as preperation.
   Little did I know that in the second grade, I would be adding on to adding and subtraction by multiplying and dividing numbers. At that point, I sort of wished that I have paid more attention to the basics of adding and subtraction so that I could be more prepared when multiplying and dividing.
   Now I am in calculus and we are working with definite integrals, or as some would call it, the area under the curve. Quick cal lesson, when you have a graph of a shape, for example parabola, to find the definite integral of the "y" with respect to the "x", you must multiply the two together basically and add to get the area under the curve. That is you definite integral and one of the main areas of studies in Calculus. Now imagine if I never actually took the time to learn how to add and subtract.
   My point, so not sped all of your time focusing on the outer things if you do not have the center of our Faith the Gospel. Christ dying on a cross, being buried, and raised from the dead three days later is the center of our Faith!! This is the saving grace. Not so much the tangents that our minds can go on in which we call "deep truths of the Faith". Do not get me wrong, nothing is wrong with studying like that and analyzing those deep truths. Sometimes it is necessary. But keep what is central central. The bible is the Gospel. Christ died for our sins!!

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