Monday, August 8, 2011

Who Are You Telling

   The Gospel is the best news that we could ever receive in our lives. It gives us hope for the future, a reason for the past, and strength for the present. Knowing that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and was raised from the dead for the ones He calls His own, knowing that after this life on Earth is over, because of this news, we can be with God for all eternity is the best news that we could ever receive. So lets tell a story. We are riding in the car with our best friend. We are on a long trip and its time to stop for some dinner. You all pull into Zaxby's. But your friend has absolutely no money and you know that he is basically starving because you guys have not eaten all day. Earlier in life, you inherited this Kingdom with everything you would ever need and more so you have more than enough for you and your friend to eat. So tell me, do you really not pay for your friend to eat? Would you really separate him from the nutrients that he needs even though you have the money? NO! Thats how it is when it comes to spreading the gospel. Would we really starve people (friends or not) of what they need to survive for all eternity? Would you want to be the one not to be able to eat at the restaraunt? I cant stress it enough. One of the most unfair things that happen in this world is that we Christians are too scared or ashamed to share the news that saves the world! Get the Gospel, GIVE the Gospel!

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