Sunday, August 14, 2011

A First For Everything, Keeping the Flame

  Does anyone remember their first day of school? Do you remember when your parents packed your lunch box, put on your bookbag, and sent you on your way? The night before you carefully packed and unpacked your folders multiple times, making sure that everything is absolutely perfect. You brushed your teeth like five times, said your prayers twice and loud, and went to bed at like 6 pm just to be fully awake the next day. You anxiously got in the car with your mom, riding illegally in the front seat because she let you that day, ready to walk through the school doors, seeing friends and making new ones at your school. But did you ever stop and think what you were really so ready for? You were ready for a moment that actually only lasted a few seconds but had a lasting impact on the rest of your time in school. you were so excited because you knew that what you did made an impression, a lasting one. You knew it was something that you thought mattered in the long run. So now its senior year. The first day. You iron your clothes, brush your teeth, and wash your face the night before. You talk to all of your friends on the phone before you go to bed the night before. You wake up, excited to drive to school, see all of your friends, and even get out early every day of the year. The lasting impression. So why do we let our flame for the Savior of the world, the Alpha and Omega, the one who pulled us out of the fire of hell and brimstone? The Gospel lasts longer than any school time. Let us live freely in it and spread it daily!! Let us not lose our flame for the love of Christ, the only thing that is ACTUALLY eternal. Let it last, always!

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